ANSII is not officially supported. It should work though... well only one way to find out. If you have a breadboard this is easy to try.

First photo of the working proto PCB!

Good news! I just finished assembling the proto board and it works fine! I'll be back with photos and a downloadable ZIP to make your own PCB for this!


(10 replies, posted in Other Hardware)

As far as I know only USV interfaces that are class compliant will work with the iPad, plus some rare ones that have software designed to be used with the interface. Most high end interfaces just won't work, anything you have to install a driver for won't work.
Most iOS compatible interfaces I know only have a stereo in and a stereo output... there's the Apogee Quartet and the Alesis IO Mix that offer multi-channel in and out, never tried those though.
I have an Alesis IO Dock. It's made of cheap and flimsy plastic, it feels pretty bad, but does the job. It has some serious issues with certain apps (like you can't record on Beatmaker2 because it will all sound glitchy)... but well I just need it for other things.

The main question is: why use an iPad? is it really a more convenient way to record and edit audio? Is it really worth the hassle? You'll have to mess with it quite a lot, be warned. I've tried it and gave up on it. A macbook pro with a decent audio interface will be immensely more powerful, easier to use (despite everything you might think) and give you less compatibility headaches.


(11 replies, posted in Trading Post)

Neuron and V-Tech Toy SOLD

Yeah was wondering about pro-chiptuners too! I mean there is some really amazing artists in the chip scene, but it's really hard to trace a line between pro and non pro.
Anyway, I like your tracks! They're certainly a great start!


(27 replies, posted in General Discussion)

@animalstyle: You might want to check out the Cradle To Cradle guidelines if you're interested in these matters, they have a very comprehensive system to certify sustainable products, and offer a lot of insight in how these things work. What I like about them is that they have a very positive attitude, they're not about doing "less damage", but about actually improving things in positive sense.


(11 replies, posted in Trading Post)



(11 replies, posted in Trading Post)

Added Concertmate 500 (sk-1)


(11 replies, posted in Trading Post)

Added iRig MIDI


(27 replies, posted in General Discussion)

if you start to do math on what would have produced which carbon footprint you'll probably go mad big_smile
it's just too complex.
But I think re-using old tech instead of blindly buying every new gadget that comes up on the market is a great thing to do.

It has to start small and in multiple areas at once

exactly, making, re-using, counteracting the obsolescence of technology and so on, that's all small starts that can have an impact. And it's not so much about what they do now, it's more about what will develop from it.
So yeah I think the chiptune community is already doing a lot.

It's better to buy an iPad and then use it for as long as you can squeeze something out of it, than buying a low-carbon-footprint one every year smile

thanks! did you make that in Eagle?

I’ve breadboarded the MIDI circuit (again) and this time it works like a charm. I’ve increased the PSU caps to 10uF and 100uF as somebody suggested here, also I’ve added a protection diode.
Now on to finish that PCB!


(27 replies, posted in General Discussion)

while using bioplastics might be a cool idea, I think this is really a minor problem.
The biggest problem right now is that the way the economy works, makes it almost impossible to produce anything that might be somehow sustainable for the planet. The rate at which electronic devices are made and thrown away is probably the main problem.
If we all could keep our phones (just to name one of the most short-lived devices) for 10 years or more, a lot less of the chemicals used in the production of these would end up in landfills and water supply. Then of course all the big companies like Samsung, Apple, HTC, youname it, would not be able to make enourmous profit on phone sales.
But then again, why should a company make profit in the first place? I mean if you think about it, what should the aim of a company be? I think it should be to turn resources (material, human, intellectual... whatever) into a value for society. Companies should exist with the aim to improve everybody's lives. Be it by producing goods that people need (food, tools and so on) or goods that make our lives just a bit more fun and interesting, money should not be the aim but one of the tools you use to create this greater good.

If you see economy from that point of view everything starts to make sense. Money get's used to make better producs, to have the necessary resources to produce them, to have the best people working on them and so on. Everybody earns money and has a much bigger profit from what the company does than just money. And all these paradoxes we experience today would not make any sense any more.

It's an utopian vision I know... but on a purely logical level, it totally makes sense. And you start to realize that the main problem we have is just that our economy is kind of working upside down...

You could also contact Xavier Hosxe, the maker of the PreenFM DIY FM synth, he probably knows a lot about FM on a more technical level.
Check out his website: The Preen is the only modern, pure FM synth afaik

One note about the ANSI MIDIo, apparently this circuit could work with it, but it depends on several factors, so there is no 100% guarantee it will. If you have one of these, you'll have to test it.