just so you know. I'm also having problems with my Nanoloop cart...

After many tests I came to the conclusion that my cart or the MIDI adapter (but that seems less likely) must be faulty... can't explain the weird behaviour in any other way.
The main Nanoloop ROM uploads to the cart allright, but at the end the GB crashes (either with a blank screen or lots of glitches). Nanoloop then sometimes works, sometimes not.
If I upload any 32K ROM to any of the additional memory slots, the BG crashes at the end, instead of starting the uploaded program, and the program does not start if I choose A or B from the Nanloop start logo.
Will have to contact Oliver I guess...
Does this only happen to me?

yeah weird, I tried to re-upload the nanoloop ROM and it got corrupted too. had to try a couple of times until it worked again. I'm wondering if my cable could be the problem...

actually I found that it corrupts the ROM slots... tried to upload Rez on another slot (B), didn't work either, but now when I try to load mGB back onto it... it does the same as Rez... it doesn't work! crap...

I've tried and it doesn't work for me. Rez is 32K so it should fit in one of the ROM slots on the Nanoloop cart... but it doesn't work for me.
Maybe it's because I have tried to load the never mGB version on it which is 64K? But then, when you upload a ROM it should just overwrite the existing one.
Well anyway. I only get a blank screen.

hmm guess you wouldn't just sell the MSSIAH and the mouse adapter, will you?


(5 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

I have a nanoloop one and despite it being just a PCB, it seems to be really sturdy. I wouldn't worry too much about damaging it.


(83 replies, posted in Other Hardware)

Rumplefilter you write on the midibox forums, you should know who is the author of midibox ;/

yeah man of course I know that! but I think this here is a bit of a different matter. Wilba made the SammichSID not TK, though of course it's also based on the same MIDIbox SID project, and I guess he was a bit upset by the wording "SammichSID clone". I think that's it.
So it is something between you and him, but as I said, I think the whole matter is really an inexistent problem. You made 1 unit based on the MIDIbox SID design with TK's approval so no rippoff and no making money with other people's ideas, behind their backs! You did a totally legitimate thing. Just understand that somebody like Wilba can have (and rightfully) feelings about a project he's been developing and producing for years, that probably cost him a lot of time and sweat. Since you're a maker too you'll probably know what I'm talking about.

So now let's all get back to make some music and be friends ok? smile



(83 replies, posted in Other Hardware)

Ehm.. before you start all to run to your torches and pitchforks, really I don't see why this has to become a fight.
I think Scannerboy and Wilba can discuss this out even without us standing in circles and inciting them.


(83 replies, posted in Other Hardware)

I mean, seriously... you get in a car accident and are in a coma for nine months and then another three months learning how to walk again and eat cereal without getting milk in your beard and you finally get enough fine motor skills to use a mouse and keyboard and then check up on CM.org and find out that when your little baby sammichSID doesn't get sold for a few months, some upstart polack comes and makes a clone of it, and a pretty piss-poor one at that.

Oh man really? that sucks! But great to read that you're back on your feet again!
I still have your original SammichSID, thought about selling it a couple of times (because I'm sorry but I don't get the interface), but then I've always kept it, because it's such a masterpiece of PCB/Case design. Was the only kit I've built where everything just fits together perfectly.
And yeah, I love the sound of it, so I still have it.

I was interested in this project because as I said, I think the interface would profit from some improvements... but since this was just a clone.

Anyway in scannerboy's defense, it's not like he did start to have your design turned into a Cinese mass-product and sold it for half the price of your unbuilt kit... he did just build a couple of clones and sold them, where's the problem?
I don't see the need to insult him.

iLKke wrote:
rumpelfilter wrote:

Though somebody should make a cheat sheet of some sorts for all the commands and codes

Go for it

haha yeah, as soon as I'll have some time I'll do it!

Though somebody should make a cheat sheet of some sorts for all the commands and codes... though the manual has a nice list of all the stuff.


(5 replies, posted in LittleGPTracker)

Haha yeah been here for a long time, but I tend to have long periods of inactivity too...


(5 replies, posted in LittleGPTracker)

Still have to make love to it, but so far it was pretty awesome to listen to! big_smile
Edit: typos


(7 replies, posted in Releases)

bsa wrote:
rumpelfilter wrote:

is Hello World and Dubmood connected?

Actually.. seems like no smile I got confused because they were both on the Data Airlines site. Just ignore me.

Which video do you mean... they have pulsating yellow circles in all the videos smile

Lol.. you're right. I'm on a roll. Anyway I meant this:


Haha, well actually thanks to your confusion I discovered a new band I didn't know! So thanks for that! big_smile


(7 replies, posted in Releases)

yep, ordered mine the other day! Can't wait to get it!