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Search options / Forums / Posts by lcphr3ak
ilv1 wrote:Add some other patterns especially to that bass. Breakdown the song and slow it down somewhere in the middle... Leave the bass on the first note of the phrase only (or at least use it less) and play with the drums and build it up back. Stuff like that... Change the patterns to create different song parts. Could also change an instrument if you think you can find something that fits (but don't forget to change the pattern too... just the instrument isn't enough usually).
EDIT: Nevermind this next part... I heard an awesome transition somewhere around 1:24 in your track... Awesome job!
Keep in mind that it's a good idea to also create a transition between two different parts of the track. This might be as simple as just muting the drums on the last 2 phrases or just muting everything somewhere in the last phrase (after one of the snares) and then just jump into the new stuff.
Yeah, I guess putting a higher octave bass note at the end to the track does take some of the dynamics out. I guess I could also switch up the instruments. I keep forgetting you can make multiple instruments and use different ones in the tracks (I think since I rarely finish songs I don't intuitively think of that stuff). And you're right, the patterns don't change up enough.
ilv1 wrote:As a video game track it sounds so fucking good! Reminds me of Hotline Miami... As a stand-alone track it's a bit too boring but cool nonetheless.
Thank you 
Given hardware limitations, I dunno if it could be used in a game since I've utilized all channels 
Do you have any suggestions one what would make it less boring?
Hey guys,
This is probably my first song actually finished and recorded from lsdj (have messed with it for probably 4 or so years now). Could someone give me their thoughts on it, maybe some stuff I can do to improve it (techniques, ideas, etc.)?
It's an old school techno song (think "The Pump Panel" or similar artists).
Well, I turned down the other instruments all the way, and boosted them according to the bass, which helped. Before that I increased the volume on the bass, and that made a more pronounced bass, but omg that clipping...
Sorry for not posting sooner, Haven't had time between class and work to mess with lsdj. But thank you for all the responses! I'll have to try a lot of that (and the audacity technique looks cool too). Also, I never thought of bringing down the bass level to 2 and bring everything else down as-well. Guess, sort of like a minimalist thing?
Thanks for all the replies! Arlight, I'll set the leads below 8, and see about changing the wave for (I guess to be harsher?)
Also, here's the link to the loop:
Hello everyone, first time poster 
I seem to be having a problem with WAV basses. I'm using an NES style bass (I believe configuration is on youtube for those interested). The problem I'm having is that the bass is kind of drowned out. It starts out good, and then I get the noise in, but as soon ass I add the melodies, it kind of goes away. On top of that, it just doesn't get as bassy as some stuff I've heard (i.e. bitshifter).
What are some tips to overcome this? What could I be doing wrong? I have recorded a loop of a song I'm working on, and if allowed (not sure if I am or not), I'll post a link to it.
Posts found: 7 / Forums / Posts by lcphr3ak