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Topics by Nestrogen
Posts found: 33-48 of 226
Schoq wrote:?
But that's still just a slightly modified Nintendo design. You're in the exact same situation with that.
Seriously. I mean, don't you want something truly original to represent you? I have love for SOME Nintendo characters. The whole "that's MARIO-SUPER RETRO-MEGA-DONKEYMON and I can relate to that" thing-- was sadly destroyed years ago by shit textile pushers and Nintendo.
The question is... are you in "this" to be recognized or to do your own thing?
herr_prof wrote:Burzum is garbage. This is gold.
Jay Tholen wrote:I wish I knew you more all those years you lived in Polk County. Ugrgh.
All 5 years. Hey man, at least we got to meet each other in person and play a fun show together. But-- I hear ya.
Maybe we can get together around xmas and hit up LEGOLAND? "Busk Legoland!!!"

This went somewhere strange...
MicroD wrote:Listening now. How do I pay cash money for this?
YOU don't! I will have the CD's including additional artwork done by Monday.
Hit me up on Fb... and I'll mail you one. ;D
egr wrote:Excellent stuff as always! If you're into that whole skillful sound design and masterful composition kinda thing. 

I am looking to play on May 5th if possible. However, I'll be in "the area" for a week starting on the 4th. I've tried every booking avenue that I am aware of as far as chip music is concerned in Philly and have yet to get a solid answer. If you know of any band that may be playing I would be more than happy to jump on that as well--as I tend to at the least humor crowds that are expecting a full band.
ANY and ALL help will be greatly appreciated.
Zan-zan-zawa-butt wrote:i can't wait for fifteen new chipchampion songs and a 16 colour picture of a hippo!
I think that I'm in love. 
egr wrote:[ insert lyrics to "Forgot About Dre" ]
It's to early to be sayin I fell off. Hang in there with me doods! 
<--- HANGIN!
...not to say that there weren't a few tracks that made me have a similar reaction to ^ those guys' ^
However, it's cool that you are not as critical/selective as say... someone like myself when putting together releases.
Posts found: 33-48 of 226 / Forums / Posts by Nestrogen