(24 replies, posted in General Discussion)

soleviio no worries my friend, i respect your knowledge of this stuff; i'm enjoying your tune flying on a sunbeam quite a lot right now. a sub 1 minute mix tape? brilliance. great idea

sketchman3, that's golden stuff. i suppose i've been limiting my melodies to fit within one milkytracker loop, and there's only so many ways you can permutate it before it gets old


(24 replies, posted in General Discussion)

Soleviio wrote:

Length should be a byproduct of musical fluidity and arrangement, not the other way around.

i agree, i was seeking tunes that capture what the shortened length implies: a strong melody with simple instrumentation. just one idea. perhaps i've spent too much time on my super nintendo recently, and this has fallen a bit out of style. i've tried my hand at it, it's good fun (maybe even risen into the lower realms of mediocrity) (criticism appreciated if anyone has thirty seconds to kill), so i was hoping others would know what else is kicking around

i'm impressed with the selection this board has provided. word


(24 replies, posted in General Discussion)

ant1 wrote:

...and most peoples 5 minute songs only have about 30 seconds of musical idea in them anyway!

ant1 himself. it's a pleasure.

couldn't agree more


(24 replies, posted in General Discussion)

or perhaps, less "splinter is a nanopooper" and more punch out http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UjyuBRvdZ20


(24 replies, posted in General Discussion)

respek to theghostservant, the thunder face recommendation is appreciated. anything with fewer "post-hardcore punk rock" tags and slightly more consonance is also welcome. maybe something with more of an old school sound?


(24 replies, posted in General Discussion)

sub one minute even? i'm not sure how much space or time it takes different people to be coherent. whatever works for you, i suppose. i think it's the ideas of simplicity behind the push for a short length that are most important.

i fear i've missed the ball with this one, it's too muddy


(24 replies, posted in General Discussion)

i got into chiptuning recently in the pursuit of creating bite size melodies. it seems backwards to me to compose anything over a minute or two in programs like milkytracker; most compositions that i have heard succeed most with a quick burst of melody and a basic drum pattern, and maybe even a funky bass line.

i think the bite size mentality also entails minimal instrumentation and effects. simple and easily digestible are the key concepts. any takers or recommendations?

this is something i pieced together this morning, i'm interested in your thoughts and your tunes

much love