(141 replies, posted in General Discussion)

Auxcide wrote:
The Laohu wrote:

2) "When you first pulled it out, I thought it was a gameboy." (Note: It was a gameboy)

I've gotten a lot of similar responses. Sometimes people even think my mini kp is a gameboy too.

During a busking session with friends, someone came up to me during my friend's set and said, "Is that an iphone, or an Android?" (as in one or the other)


(141 replies, posted in General Discussion)

arcadecoma. wrote:
SadPanda wrote:

I'm 90% sure it was Arcadecoma.

I just found this thread. Wow! Sorry SadPanda!!

arcadecoma. is pretty much the only chipmusic I ever tell people about (more than my own, as well). Friends of mine will attest to how little I shut up about you, sir.


(35 replies, posted in General Discussion)

If my album were finished yet, I'd refer you to that.

I dunno where Amigacore falls in contrast with 'chipbreak' but CCDM is pretty dope.


(18 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

e.s.c. wrote:

if you want some custom kits though, let me know.. ive got a decent sized gunshot sample library of different guns that i could make some kits out of

I found a stock gunshot sample from some shitty website that was practically made for lsdj. Was not expecting that.


(10 replies, posted in General Discussion)

I'm in the process of writing a shitload of essays in a short amount of time (#college), and I was wondering if anyone had recommendations for chiptunes that help them concentrate on work without distracting them.


(18 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

Yeah, if we're allowing default kits, sample manipulation is the way to go, man.


(18 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

It's not the best sounding thing, but I came up with this:

WAV screen:
Table screen:

tsp cmd cmd
18 VFF PF0
18         P00
00         PFC
00 A01
Table 01: empty

Synth screen:
start vol: 12
cutoff FF
shift 00
end vol: 10
cutoff FF
phase 00
shift 00

note: C6
Change the speed of the wav instrument and the start volume on the synth screen if you want it sound more laser-gun-ish than hand-gun-ish.

SketchMan3 wrote:

You need to get your bits straight, though. I can only think of one 8-bit console that MAYBE might be capable of those graphics. "8-bit" label as an inappropriately used gimmick word is nauseating :\

Come on, guy, it's that "nostalgic 8bit feel"!

token wrote:

drone music sounds like an ass farting bees breakcore sounds like nursery children in a kitchen


I've been making both breakcore and witch house in lsdj for a few months now.


(98 replies, posted in General Discussion)

danimal cannon wrote:
e.s.c. wrote:

im not saying that arent some, just that as a percentage of the scene, i think the unique acts are actually a smaller part of the scene than they were in 2007-2008.. seems for every new artist doing something really different there are15-20-30 artists all copying other peoples sounds (intentionally or not)

I think that's probably some sort of rose-colored-glasses hipster talk, but I really have no idea where you're finding new music.  I haven't really noticed this trend at all.  I dunno, I find rad shit all the time, 90% of it not chip unce.  I go to a lot if shows and check out cool stuff that my friends post.

In fact, there's a lot of stuff out there today that makes some of the earlier chip records sound weak

Yeah there's not really an oversaturation of unce and hairtune like in the 8bc days. Don't get me wrong, I know there still is a plentiful amount of mediocre and coma-inducing snoretune to sift through, but I'm forever finding cool upandcomers in chip (thanks 8BitNortheast) who treat it as a way to expedite their own cool musical ideas, and my own explorations in what I can accomplish in mixing and matching pieces of genres and stuff through chiptune is just starting to get interesting.

I've been poking around with teaching some classes on chiptune and it's been an incredibly mixed bag of people interested in it, which was a pleasant surprise.

3ndymion wrote:
Invisible Robot Hands wrote:

2.) An unrelated question: Recently during a show, my DMG shut off spontaneously--sort of. I think the Gameboy may have shut off for a split second, but either way then LSDJ disappeared, yet the battery light was on and there was a black horizontal line on screen. I replaced the batteries, and the same thing happened. During a dry run before I went to the gig, everything went fine. My assumption off the top of my head is that it's the cart battery. Yes? This has happened before I think, but it seems to only occur during shows with the gameboy playing at high volume...

Clean the battery contacts.  Pop them out of the case, soak them in automotive battery cleaner for a little while, scrape them clean.  If the Gameboy spontaneously shuts off when you touch the batteries or spin them in place while it's on, then you definitely need to do this.

The ones in one of the DMGs (green) looked a little fucked up, but when I spun them and everything, nothing happened. And the other DMG's (yellow) contacts checked out the same, but those actually even looked pretty much normal, but it happened when I tried both gameboys during the show.

1.) Does anyone know (presumably the person running the kitsch account on here) if it's safe to use kitsch's USB-to-DMG charger by plugging the USB end into a USB-to-wall adapter of some sort, or should it only go into a laptop? It just seems like it'd be more convenient to not have to plug the Gameboy into something that, itself, might need to be plugged in.

2.) An unrelated question: Recently during a show, my DMG shut off spontaneously--sort of. I think the Gameboy may have shut off for a split second, but either way then LSDJ disappeared, yet the battery light was on and there was a black horizontal line on screen. I replaced the batteries, and the same thing happened. During a dry run before I went to the gig, everything went fine. My assumption off the top of my head is that it's the cart battery. Yes? This has happened before I think, but it seems to only occur during shows with the gameboy playing at high volume...


(98 replies, posted in General Discussion)

e.s.c. wrote:

especially something as nebulous as "chiptune", whatever that means now (or really ever did, most of the chip i listened to in the 90s was just awesome shit done on amiga without a label to it)

Was a joke.

I dunno, I'm just inclined to think things will look favorably on it due to the fact that I've actually become more interested in it over time by comparison. When I first started, I should have been way more interested in chipmusic than I actually was as someone who was starting to make it.


(98 replies, posted in General Discussion)

e.s.c. wrote:
Invisible Robot Hands wrote:

Standard answer at this point: Not likely. I've only made chipmusic exponentially more and more since I began like 7 years ago, and I'm forever finding new genre ideas and stuff to mess around in musically via chiptune. I'm kinda in it for the long haul.

get back to me in 4-5 years wink
(just saying that was roughly how far in i was that i got a DMG tattoo on my right forearm)

Can't say I have any plans for LSDJ chain screen tattoos. Or any tattoos.


(98 replies, posted in General Discussion)

Standard answer at this point: Not likely. I've only made chipmusic exponentially more and more since I began like 7 years ago, and I'm forever finding new genre ideas and stuff to mess around in musically via chiptune. I'm kinda in it for the long haul.