:3 sorry for the wait~! our cart dude has been settling into a new house for the past few months and we've been waiting for things to get operational again. the good news is that we can now make carts again! don't miss a chance to get one~

big fan of that boy

its a module music tournament, open to old and new! we did this last year with a really inspiring crowd of talents so i thought it would be worth posting here again smile

you can sign up here!

1,226 classic famicom songs from twelve compos, easily browsable, listenable and downloadable at a whim. a collation of a required resource for all prospective nes'ers new and old! may you continue to prosper

(2a03 puritans cartridges will be back in stock soon!! apologies for the wait) … PC+Echoes/


if yr interested in taking part, read the lyceum article to get started! you can write music with this and convert to a snes file with this:

all samples are allowed smile but if you'd like to use anything from classic snes videogames feel free to give some of these a go:

best of luck~! playing entries ~right now~!


(6 replies, posted in General Discussion)

the bottom middle column is for the most recent "favourites" on a track. if yr logged in you can totes do that!

edit: i think this layout looks passable for now lol


(6 replies, posted in General Discussion)

hell yeah! site's gonna look a little wonky while i sort the layout but yr welcome to stay and chat


(6 replies, posted in General Discussion)


it does! if you can produce an mp3 its a valid entry

not entirely related to chiptune but theres certainly a big tracker aspect to this music. think benn jordan/venetian snares type music tongue … attleInfo/

best of luck, ye campers!

entry period is up! come listen to the livestream right now ¯ w¯ … light+CMI/

you're welcome to emulate the fairlight CMI (most of the 'specs' are given in the rules) in a modern daw, or if you have a real one you can compose something for that as well!

botb major compos are always very exciting and a lot of people take part so feel free to come along big_smile

we've sold all 50! there seems to be more demand so i will see if we can print more :]


(10 replies, posted in General Discussion) good one from 1905 imo. Makes you think of where the real "90s" where. ;-)

bomb boy! (hoo. finally thought of another one)