SketchMan3 wrote:

Huh. That song seems to take a few cues from the Nightrider theme... interesting.

Anuyway, Try to avoid using K commands on the Wave channel if you can. Try using E00, or E01 to fade it out and avoid the loud clicks.

Could be. I just took the song from the Tron BSO as a reference : P

Didn't know that! Thanks! I'll try it out. The other problem is related to the PU2 channel, which causes terrible clicks when the very first notes are being triggered (at ridiculously low envelopes). Any tip on that? It also seems that when it is clearly hearable, the notes are kind of distorted, or at least distort in general. I used the widest duty cycle on the wave option of the pulse instrument, should I try another one?

Here is the song in 320kbps (I finally figured out how to do it) … 320%29.mp3
But those noises are still there...

ant1 wrote:

for a start you have encoded it as a 128k mp3 which generally ruins chiptunes

but also, how did you record it?

it sounds nice to me (musically) but i have never heard the original

I noticed that, but didn't know it was bad for chiptunes! Thank you. I used Audacity and recorded from my game boy to my PC's soundcard directly (mic input). However, I think it's not a question of the way I recorded it. Those noises were there if I played directly with speakers, fom example.

Hi guys

I've today tried to make a kind of cover of the song "The Grid" by Daft Punk (Tron BSO).
Here's the result:

My problem is that, as you can hear, it's all full of noises, bumps and stuff which make the song disgusting to hear. Other than that, probably my lack of experience on these things helps a bit.
But anyway, could you give me advice on this?


(16 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

Yeah well... I wouldn't use it for more than just that... xD


(16 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

Thank you all for your answers!

I think I'll go for the "take it easy" thing. I'll start with the thinnest bit I have and then keep changing it to a bigger one until it fits perfectly.

I know a dremel is the best thing for mods, but I'm not planning to do this "massively", so it's not worth for me to get one right now.


(16 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

@Timbob It's supposed to be for a female minijack. What you meant is a jack like the one on guitars right?

@kineticturtle Dear god, how expensive xD


(16 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

Pale wrote:

I wonder if they used dremel with conic bit in the videos..?

Yeah that was exactly what I was meaning. Sorry but I sometimes forget important English technical vocabulary xD

I forgot to say that the man in my local shop offered me a 3.5mm bit made of cobalt, which he said was perfect for plastic.. Any tip on that?

Hello everyone!

I wanted to know which tool do you use to make the hole on the DMG case for this mod. I've seen people on Youtube using drills with conic ends, but I asked in my local shop for a conic 3.5mm and they told me that does not exist O.O

Amazing! First time I hear about 8bitoperators, and it's awesome!

Did you cut the front light in order to fit horizontally? I ask because I put it vertical and it's impossible to see anything unless you look to the screen from one side...

Madhatter wrote:

It worked! I fixed it big_smile
This could the start of something beautiful, thank you!

For the sake of curiosity, what did you do to make it work? : P

Beautiful, 2PLAYER.


(1,620 replies, posted in General Discussion)

I didn't think of that. Kewl!


(1,620 replies, posted in General Discussion)

b4by f4c3 wrote:

What  I have as of now, need more randomness.... smile

That Sylophone looks weird there : P

AWESOME! I was complaining because my greyboy has the battery door too loose : )