HI all!. I am a refugee from 8bc but I really haven't been very active on here other than to listen to some tunes now and then.

After talking with Kevin(HPizzle) about the app that I am planning, he recommended that I come over here to search and find a pixel artist. smile So here I am asking if any of you are talented at creating pixel art, specifically for games or game related material.

The app is going to a Mac OSX RPG/adventure game at first and then later ported to the iPad(and possible other platforms in the future). I am going to be doing all the design and coding and HPizzle is actually going to be providing the 8-bit music (either some or all). What I need is a pixel artist to create the background "tiles" for the game screens. I will write a tool(already in progress) that will use all these images to "stitch" the tiles together for each 'game screen', so you wont have to put all these images together for me, just really create them.

Some of the pixel art will include but not be limited to the following characteristics:

- Game characters(main characters, townspeople, enemies, main world art, dungeons)
- For each pixel art image I will need a low resolution and high resolution version. So for example a 32x32 image for non-retina displays and the same image reworked into a 64x64 image for the retina displays.
- Some of the main world art will include town buildings, trees, rocks, cliffs, grass and variants of each to provide a beautiful pixellated landscape.

The pixel art doesnt have to be exactly like some of the original NES rpg/adventure games but I am going to go for a NES/SNES look. I have a couple of concept game screens to start off with. One of them is https://www.dropbox.com/s/2qomsiftgpyfrb3/681x628.png  That should give you a good idea of where i want to go.

I will also need someone to create an overview world map to display to the player at any given time that might show them parts of the world that they have yet to explore and plot different places on the map for reference. So if you are good at photoshop, illustrator or any other variants to accomplish this, then that is a bonus.

This is a PAID endeavour. I do have a range for each image in mind and I am willing to pay good for the right person. You would be paid via paypal and you will have to sign a NDA at some point as the project starts to become more mature. Looking for someone with integrity, professional but also who is creative and loves to have fun. (Even though i said i would be doing a lot of the design you will also have an opportunity to weigh in and be a part of that process - i have NO problem with that and will even encourage it). Some things I will ask for and not know that i need it until i see it - so just be creative!

Code/Design - Myself
Epic Tunes - Kevin(HPizzle)
Pixel Art/Design - ?????

Oh yeah - I am also in the process of developing another iPad app(game) but i need some non-pixel art images created- high quality. This will include a big image the game loading screen and the app icon. If you are also talented here I could use you - this is also PAID. smile This is pretty short notice work so if you have a month of free time then please let me know.

Please e-mail me with questions/your portfolio/comments/anything else to:

[email protected]

Thanks guys!