(27 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

that depends, man. does your prosound mod make it sound like the DMG? and what about the processor? you're the manufacturer so i'll trust you.


(27 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

yeah that's what I thought.  DMG it is. I just need to wait until Thursday customs gets the colors i want XD


(27 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

Is a smartboy cart different from the ems?


(27 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

I thought the ems 64 was the latest. Isnt that the one sold in kitsch betns website?


(27 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

Im buying the DMG, then. It still fits in my hand, anyways, and most likely in my jacketbpocket too. I guess the pictures make it seem huge, but thats just an optical illusion.


(27 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

Just heard the dmg/mgb difference. Things are looking better for the dmg


(27 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

Now, practicality is important. I learned harmonica with a piece-a-sh!t $5 harmonica, but it was still aharmonica with ten holes that worked. Maybe i will buy the DMG after all.


(27 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

Hmm. Good points. Ive taken the time to listen to your music. Pretty complicated chiptunes (and good, by the way). I read a modding blog that shows how to take the hum out of the MGB, which is what makes its sound with lesser quality compared to the DMG. Apparently, its the prosound mod and thats what im having installed. On accounts of the crashing, ive read some good reviews of the MGB and some bad ones as well over the last few days, so i dont know exactly what to conclude. I think it'll be reasonable to talk about the hardware specs with the people that sell them. Maybe they have solutions for slow processing. And again, i havent even touched LSDJ yet so my chiptunes will be pretty robust for a while. I do plan on buying a $150 dmg with the best quality later on, but i like to follow the advice i got when i was learning both guitar and harmonica : train with a really crappy instrument, and learn it well. When you get the best equipment, youll be 10 times better than you expected.


(27 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

sorry about that.


(27 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

or maybe it is the CARTRIDGE battery that drains, not the console's. that could be an explanation.


(27 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

awesome. but do you know about the battery life? I haven't even started learning how to use LSDJ so i don't need the fanciest piece of software. I read that the 32 mb EMS cartridge was the cause of the battery drain, but I've read no confirmation on it. I plan on buying the newer, 64 mb version of the EMS so all I need to know it how much battery life I get on it with each pair of AAA batteries. about 5 to 7 hours is good enough for me


(27 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

Hey guys. I hope you're all having fun chiptuning. I really want to get into making 8bit music in LSDJ, and I have an idea of what hardware I want for it. Currently, I'm going to purchase a gameboy pocket with backlight and pro-sound from Thursday Customs. I've seen his stuff in Kitsch Bent's website so I feel like I can trust his product will be good. However, I've read that the MGB has short battery life when it runs LSDJ. That doesn't bother me too much, as long as I can get a good 7 hours out of each pair of batteries. Anyone here who uses an MGB to make chiptunes? Also, I'd like to know if the 1/8" jack is the size for universal headphones. I might need to find and adapter if it's not. If you guys have any information on it, It'll help a LOT, since I've emailed both Kitsch Bent, Thursday Customs AND nonfinite electronics about it, and I've had no answer in a few days. Thanks!