Cool! Can't wait to try it.

I can't take much credit for the interface; HivelyTracker is basically an updated and extended version of the old Amiga AHX tracker, but I'm glad you're enjoying it smile

HivelyTracker has just been updated to v1.8.

Builds for Windows and AmigaOS4 are available now. Hopefully OS X and Haiku builds will follow soon.

Head to the download page for downloads.

The OSX port is now on the download page!

BTW, if anyone makes some music with it, please submit it to the hivelytracker website for inclusion smile

fullscreen isn't available in the windows port at the moment because the windows native requesters cause havoc with it.. sorry.

Hello folks,

Some of you may be aware of HivelyTracker, the amiga tracker I created based on AHX. Well, it is now available for Windows, and an OS X port is coming soon.

Grab it from here: