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Topics by yogi
Posts found: 305-320 of 621
zerolanding wrote:does the same with the current versions of both Pulsar and PR8, it does this everytime. I if I let it sit, it will power up normal, but the moment I try anything it freezes. Then if I let it sit it starts fine, and If I reset it then it goes haywire. I'm erasing the header to start, then reflashing the prg eachtime. Very strange, as I have not seen it in any of the other forums. Maybe I'm missing something. I x4 the rom when I split it. I write as 512kb prg. it verifys and ok's each time. It's holding saves though.
Does it with both ROMs, not a bad bin.
Could be a flashing problem; GUI or Kazzo firmware or connection. Make sure it's seated in Kazzo connector and you are using INL's firmware, but it verifies and completes OK. so seems unlikely.
Could be a board issue, bad solder joint or device. No way to test this without more tools, should contact INL. He tests before he ships so unlikely but not impossible.
The only thing that I question is "I x4 the rom when I split it. I write as 512kb prg" Could be you wording, but I split THEN x4. The way you wrote, you would have the NES header bytes copied x3 through out the 512K ROM, at the beginning of each copy. This would be BAD. Try using
You can set the PRG size and it produces a zip with a ready to flash PRG the right size.
If you want, I can PM you a x4 PRG file that I know works.
Is it only one ROM, Pulsar or PR8, or both? Does it always happen, every time you try re burning the PRG? do make sure you have the latest ROMs from Neil Bladwin.
Has it work in the past or always had this problem?
I know lots of questions, but trying to narrow down things.
zerolanding wrote:anybody else get the garbled graphics issue when flashing anything?
Do you have any problems with other carts? One of the biggest issues with the NES is the connector, so thats the first thing I look at. If it's just the flash cart, then I would say check/clean the cart edge first off.
With just a graphics issue, I don't think it's a flashing issue if the sound engine code is running without glitches. Sounds more like a interconnection problem with the CHR bus.
SO wish I could see the show! When you coming to the States??
Break a leg,Yogi
Scripterio wrote:Deleting the first 80 bytes did the trick. I thought that changing the size of the rom would throw off the address values.
Now it loads the ROM and i can change tracks. I can't play the song by hitting any buttons, but my understanding is that famislayer requires some kind of constant clock pulse, not just me hitting play.
Good Deal. Yea, a single trigger will only play a single frame of the NSF file, The NSF Player is called at a 60Hz rate so you wouldn't be able to trigger the play back too well by 'Hand".
Scripterio wrote:Doesn't seem to be much documentation out there. I tried and failed, here are the steps i took.
1. Compose music in famitracker and export it as "track01.nsf" ( i have NTSC selected, not sure if that matters)
2. Open "track01.nsf" with Nestopia, it sounds good. Go to View --> "Image info" and take note of the load, init, and play values. For my track the values are
Load Address: 0xA801
Init Address: 0xAA55
Play Address: 0xAA58
3.Removing the header. Open "track01.nsf with a hex editor. I am using HxD. Configure it to show 16 bytes per row ( this makes it visually easier). Replace all bytes before 00000080 with "00". And save it as "temp.nsf"
You need to Delete these 80 bytes not replace with $00
4. Open Famislayer.asm with a text editor. Replace the value of the first three variables with the values noted earlier.
InitAddy = $aa55
PlayAddy = $aa58
5. Place "temp.nsf" in the famislayer directory and run compile.bat.
6. The resulting Famislayer.nes rom should contain your music.
But it doesn't work for me. When i open it with Nestopia i get an error that says "CPU jam!"
???? never seen that ?????
Does my NSF not comply with NES?
Is it because i am on 64bit Win7?
Any help is appreciated.
Need to get this process down before a drop the money on a Powerpak
Is the .NES 41k? Should be 33k PRG (32K PRG+ <1K Header+ 8k CHR). But try removing the Header rather that clearing, I think that's you prob.
Also your NSF MUST be less then 30K and not bankingswiching.
PaK-Zer0 wrote:The thing is that Deflemask only works for Master System btm, but I guess it could be easily support GG in the future.
Nice tune!
I don't see a problem with Deflemask supporting only SMS, the GG runs SMS roms just fine. The only difference is the stereo panning on the GG, the PSG handling is the same on both systems.
Nice! really liked the ending riffs, left me wanting more
I can't answer your question directly, but search for Ctrix's Gatari. there was a online interview where he described it a little.
Interesting question, but I think the issue is confused a little. I don't know squat but aren't there two issues: the Copyrighted material, your intellectual property, and the Trade Mark rights of the floppy manufacturer?
You are selling a limited use right of your copyrighted material, on a trademarked medium that carries an intended resale right.
Regardless of any added value, you can resell floppies unless expressly forbidden; really the only restriction is the cost you pay as opposed to the resale cost, which is a business decision rather then legal. If I were to go to the the XYZ floppy factory and buy a case of floppies at wholesale and then go to a street corner, I could resell the XYZ floppies at the cost that either I agreed to with XYZ or the market price if there isn't a MSRP agreed to. But If I try to sell the floppies as TDK floppies well then I have a problem with TDK and their TM rights.
I think the only issue you would have is removing/replacing the manufacturers TM. But like I said, I don't know.
EDIT: after a little searching I found this at DiskMakers
Duplicator, printer, and blank media/supplies order terms
Intellectual Property Rights Protection
Disc Makers' Anti-Piracy Compliance Program protects property rights owners from the unauthorized distribution of their content.
Customers purchasing CD and DVD duplicators, blank recordable media, and other hardware and supplies warrant that they will use the equipment and media only for legitimate uses that do not infringe on the intellectual property rights of third parties.
This seems to imply that for legally owned material, you are free to use their media and equipment for your own commercial purposes. I'm sure other companies have similar policies.
The Game Gear is a basically a handheld Sega Master System, so it has a SN76489 PSG; Square waves and Noise. The pick'ns are slim but here is a couple to start with:
You'll have to search for a copy of TFM Music Maker or VGM Music Maker. Shiru has pulled support for them so you need to find someone to pass along a copy they have.
Littlescale has a lot of info on the SN76489 at his blog also.
EDIT Yea so probably the best choice would be DefleMask. I should have thought of this first, it really is great.
jerkemy wrote:Keep checking Goodwill, and keep in mind that their stock/what's actually out on the shelves changes daily. I live in Portland, like an hour away, and even though retro game stuff tends to get snapped up immediately here, I still see probably one NES a month for between $20-$30. But then, I'm constantly checking thrift stores and yard sales for that kind of thing.
This is my MO also, you just have to be patient. Also Goodwill has their own auction site, which might be worth your while but shipping costs could be a killer.
John Riselvato wrote:Gez, 50$ for recycled carts. Meaning you only have to program them and slap a new label on them. Plus these are second run, meaning they are not worth as much as the original carts in resale. I'll have to think about this...
Re chipping a cart is a time consuming job (not just reprogramming) and let me tell you, removing the old label is a B!7*H. So at the min it's a $20 bill + the cost of rounding up carts and EPROMS and printing labels, and let's make sure the artist earns a bit for a limited signed edition title. It's really not bad for a nice NES album, and Animalstyle IS offering a break if you supply the cart.
I say too cool !
EDIT; Oh Yea it's a kick a88 album! An if you totally can't find a dime, animalstyle has it as free DL on his Bandcamp!
NICE! Really like XM1SS1ON a lot Very tasty grove
kineticturtle wrote:There is already an arduinoboy shield that allows for SPC700 playback. Also a circuit that works via serial port.
Is this the project?
Just found this yesterday and went ahead and ordered a PCB. Sort of putting 'the cart before the horse' though; now I need to shop for a SNES donor
Would be very slick to send note data in real time to the APU but that would need a whole lot of SPC700 coding skillz.
Here's a demo from one builder
Really liking the S/PDif mod!
ne7 wrote:Hey Yogi,
blimey only just noticed your comments: just a quick note, the confusion is caused as the pinouts on my diagram mean you can use a a 27c040 (512k) chip /o\ sorry about any confusion there - the pinout for 27c010 (128k) / 27c020 (256k) have a slightly different assignment for pin 31... On a 27c040 pin 31 is A18 y'see... v. odd that pin 1 would be complaining although tbh best practice is def to tie any floating pins - didn't think that would cause any issue tho - at least it does not on the Famicom Well done for fiddling and getting it working on the NES
I'll try and change the guide to reflect that soon! ^
Hi there ne7! Thanks again for your guides, they are very helpful to me. Prior to your posts, I've only messed with Atari stuff and MCU projects. So all things Nintendo are quite new to me and your guides have been a great help introducing me to 'MMC land'
As to pin1, I've seen some datasheets that do advise Vpp tied to Vcc but that doesn't necessarily mean that all manufactures would require it. So I would guess some eprom may not have a prob with it floating.
With pin 31 it's a little different, being /PGM on the '010 and '020 devices. With the unused half of the 512k of a '040 on a MMC1 cart, A18 is moot as long as the EPROM is filled with the ROM image be it 128K or 256K.
Another point that may have some impact is the handling of /OE and /CE. Not sure how much but there is a timing difference between the two, with /OE being the faster to respond given /CE tied low. Probability wouldn't make much difference on a fast Flash or EPROM (<90nS device) but could be an issue with an older 250nS rom.
Anyway my adventures were all with the latest version of NTRQ and it seem to be the easier of Neil's SxROM titles. I haven't tried the SXROM conversion; mainly because of the reported problems with NES carts and MMC1 versions. Since then I have found a great Flash cart project by INL over at NesDev that runs PR8 and Pulsar. You may want to check out his shop, he plans to start building FC carts soon. He has sourced a 3rd party cart case, so now he can design a standard board outline based on it.
Thanks again,
Posts found: 305-320 of 621 / Forums / Posts by yogi