(70 replies, posted in General Discussion)

I have chosen the medium of poetry to illustrate my response to this question.

"Chiptune is amazing,
It's lovely, that's for certain.
And when play it loudly,
I jizz all up the curtains."

I'm just a chip music observer, but I've been flat out hooked since discovering 8bitpeoples in 2006, and here's why. My Dad's an incredibly strict Muslim and music is discouraged in Islam, so the only music I could get away with listening to growing up the sound of my video games.
So for me it's started with the nostalgic aspect but soon soared to new levels of appreciation as the scene progressed, and now it genuinely excites me that there's an ever expanding sea of super varied and fanbastardtastic chip music out there for me to discover, every day.
I was insanely delighted when I stumbled upon chip music, I'd been trying to convince myself for ages that I was enjoying nintendocore. PFFFFT.
But yeah, more than anything it's the extending of a hand to that beautiful, beloved system and saying "Oh no old friend, I'm not done with you yet. You're coming with me." And then dressing him up in a tuxedo and fixing him a motherfucking cocktail.