(3 replies, posted in Constructive Criticism)

Thanks for responding guys!

Yeah, I did think the  I-IV-VI-V was getting old, but I wasn't really sure where else to go.. hmm

Thanks a bundle for your time and for your response aviel!

I will take these into consideration for my next time around big_smile


(3 replies, posted in Constructive Criticism)

Give it a listen, I'd really like to hear what you guys have to think of it..
It's my second track with LSDJ and any tips or advice would be greatly appreciated smile


Thank you, your comments are much appreciated!

I'll keep at it,

I just recently joined the site, though I have been interested in Chip for a while, I figured that I'd try my hand at it myself..
I worked up some stuff, and this is probably the best of what I could muster..
I believe it's rather unconventional compared to other works that I've heard, and I'd like to hear some more experienced people's opinions.
http://chipmusic.org/laundromat/music/t … -of-batter

Please bear with my newbieness, and help a brotha out :]
I of course used LSDJ,