(463 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

rygD wrote:

Are you planning on sticking with that for a while?

Regarding scalp hair, I ran around like that for too long.  Eventually I might go back to it, but for now I just need to get regular haircuts, or have it look like shit.  Since I can't cut my it how I want myself I go with the latter.

Edit:  looks good on ya!

Yeah, I plan on rocking the mustache for while... I like it.

As for the hair; I'm not bald enough yet to let it get too long. Within a few months I start looking completely insane... Like "guy you cross the street to avoid making eye contact with" kind of insane.



(463 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

Unrelated topic: I got rid of my beard.


(463 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

stargazer wrote:

Contrast wheel?



(463 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

Okay, let's have a look at that small build I promised.

Started with Kitsch's RGB backlight and a cheap bicycle tail lamp.

Desoldered the LEDs from the tiny little pcb.

Tried a few wiring configurations.


Everything was going to plan... and then I broke my first LCD screen ever.

That's all I get out of it. Total darkness, ladies and gentlemen.
Need a fresh DMG now.


(463 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

Dire Hit wrote:

That drawing! Is there anything you aren't good at?

I don't know... I'm an autodidact, so I'm adaptable and become proficient at most anything I put my mind to...
I'm not very good at landing a helicopter, playing the guitar, playing DDR, calculus, or promoting my art in a fashion that results in monetary gain.


(463 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

kitsch wrote:

don't trust anyone over 30!

(i hated turning 30 myself, hope yours feels better!)

and happy birthday!!!

It's actually mock-anguish. I'm perpetually 12 years old in my head anyway, so turning 30 really hasn't affected me at all... unlike a lot of my friends (they freaked out for the months leading up to their birthday).


(463 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

Happy Birthday to me!
I'm 30... Sooooooo, yeah. I'm old now.
Decided to draw my enthusiasm.


(1,206 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

zneth wrote:

My GameBoy: [ Pro-Sound + Back-Lit + Variable Clock Mod ]

Nice color combo.
Looks super 90's


(463 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

Okay. My dad shipped me some parts to play with.
I have a plan, and it's another one I haven't seen before.
It'll be simple, but super rad.

Stay tuned.


(463 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

Category wrote:

Man, I've just read this entire thread, and your mods are top-notch dude. TOP. NOTCH.

Would be good to see you finish the frankenkeyboard but I don't think I could live without the numberpad on my keyboard. Those shortcuts are some of the best!

The keyboard is finished and working (but dismantled for paint and patina).
You're not the first person to suggest that I should have left the numeral pad.
The next one will have a complete keyboard with the DMG mounted off to the side.


(463 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

I've been going a little stir-crazy without anything to mod, so I had my old man send me a dmg and a collection of parts...
Stand by...


(13 replies, posted in Trading Post)



(13 replies, posted in Trading Post)

rygD wrote:

Sorry you are having such a hard time moving this thing.  It surprises me, as this thing is awesome.

You and me both. It's super weird to me... Everybody loves this thing.


(13 replies, posted in Trading Post)

Bump for WTF?


(13 replies, posted in Trading Post)

thursdaycustoms wrote:

I truly don't understand why no one has bought this. I could easily buy it now and sell it for double. But then I would be jerk wink

Hey man, I just need to get this thing sold.