Son, you need less FL and more VGMM. Find a way to contact this guy, he's like the patron saint of Megadrive music:
193 Mar 14, 2015 7:43 pm
Re: New to the Forums and new to the programs (1 replies, posted in General Discussion)
194 Mar 14, 2015 6:20 pm
Re: Sean Beeson Doing Nes Music (8 replies, posted in General Discussion)
Sounds like video game music.
I thought it was interesting to hear the approach of someone without all the background of chip.
Reminds me of the good ol' days before video game music was called "chip"
To be honest.. I still don't call this chipmusic. To me, that's just music, made for games, that happens to run on a console with limited sound hardware. I know I'm part of a tiny minority and somewhat of a self-jerking purist about it, but "chiptunes" were invented in the Amiga demoscene by people who were nostalgic about their C64. I know things evolve organically and now a new generation of people are nostalgic for whatever machine they grew up with and that's why we're pretty much seeing a 90/10 ratio of nes and gameboy versus everything else. BUT IM OLD AND I NEED TO SHAKE MY CANE AT PEOPLE AND BLAME YOU DAMN YOUNGSTERS FOR SOMETHING.
That said though. This soundtrack fucking nails the NES sound perfectly.
195 Mar 14, 2015 6:11 pm
Re: Chiptune will disappear someday? (84 replies, posted in General Discussion)
I'd be very happy if the appreciation of chipmusic as only video game reference would die completely. But I believe that (unfortunately) the games and 80s references are embedded in the music itself. As in, even tho an artist may have no ties or love for that stuff, when their methods/tools are revealed it will lead immediately to "Zelda, your Samus is in another Castlevania." It would be more work to extricate ourselves from this than to preserve it.
This won't happen until magazine like pitchfork stop making articles like "Guy XYZ from BandYouKnow made music using......drumroll.....lights....suspense....more drumroll......AN OLD GAMEBOY OMG OMG OMG HOW CRAZY IS THAT WOW WOW MUCH WOW OMG OMG!#!#$@#$%$#"
The legitimization of old consoles/computers/bananas as musical instruments is what will make chipmusic "part of real music" and not just "those nintendo songs". It took many many years for electronic music to be recognized as its own thing instead of being "OMG OMG THIS WALTER CARLOS DUDE JUST MADE A BEH-TO-VAN SONG ON A M-OO-Oo-oOG SYNTHESITAMAZMER!".
It will get there. We're already halfway there thanks for crossover bands like Anabamavacagafaratajakalalapalanamaguchi and the emergence of the indie-pixel-retro-faux-8bit-game scene. The aesthetics of old machines are not hardware limitations anymore, they're a stylistic choice, and one that is more and more valid as people push its boundaries.
196 Mar 14, 2015 4:30 am
Re: Is music education necessary to write good music? (35 replies, posted in General Discussion)
...that was my whole point though
197 Mar 14, 2015 3:48 am
Re: Is music education necessary to write good music? (35 replies, posted in General Discussion)
Well.. you said a fair bit more than that heh.
What you are referring to is pretty much restricted to species counterpoint, and not music in general. Parallel fifths are all over the place in music, and have always been. In fact pretty much all power-chord based rock is full of consecutive fifths. Nobody is telling you that you can't do it. The only instance where such a thing is "forbidden" is in species counterpoint. Yknow.. just like starting a band with only flutes is "forbidden" in death metal. Or composing at 200bpm is "forbidden" in house music. They're nothing more than stylistic guidelines if you're trying to compose a particular genre of music. All genres have their own specifications like that. Chiptunes have them too. Doesn't mean we all sound the same does it?
198 Mar 14, 2015 3:01 am
Re: Is music education necessary to write good music? (35 replies, posted in General Discussion)
*Theory Hero*
hahaha Nah, I'm not saying theory is essential. But there's a difference between saying theory is not essential, and calling it bullshit. Seeing as theory is nothing more than the analysis of existing music, calling it bullshit is pretty close to calling music itself bullshit.
Think of it as science. Whether you understand why tides roll or not won't stop them from doing it for a very specific and explainable reason. We were sailing across the globe centuries before we understood how the tides work. And that's quite fine. All you really need is a pair of eyes to see if there's enough water in front of you to sail your boat in. If you sail often enough, you'll notice patterns. You'll know the tide is high at certain moments, and low at others. You'll know this with enough confidence to predict when sailing a particular place is safe or not. That's where the large majority of musicians are. They don't know the exact science behind it, but they're confident enough in the patterns they've observed to predict some things. If what you want to do is sail your boat around, content to know that the tide is high at a certain moment, or low at another then hey...sail away! But it doesn't mean that people who studied this academically and figured out that it was the gravitational pull of other celestial bodies just wasted their time. Yknow.. whatever floats your boat (see what I did there?) But scientific knowledge of the tides made fishing more efficient. Made sailing easier and safer. Made it possible to create the Panama canal, etc.
Not caring about theory, I can live with, seeing as it's pretty much how I function myself. But disregarding it as pointless is simple ignorance.
199 Mar 14, 2015 1:28 am
Re: Is music education necessary to write good music? (35 replies, posted in General Discussion)
Found something!
OMG I TAKE IT ALL BACK. You are clearly in a league that Beethoven can only dream of being in.
200 Mar 14, 2015 1:22 am
Re: Is music education necessary to write good music? (35 replies, posted in General Discussion)
I am under the impression that ear training and sight singing would help you. theory is not relevant unless you wanna copy or perform other peoples music. problem is that theory is intertwined. writing down ideas can be done in other ways than notes on a paper. do you have a voice recorder? they are cheap ($40 for a sony that will capture at 128)... hum your thought-tunes into it. this is where ear training will help you (like minor 2nd is jaws song)
if its all too much too fast, a tascam guitar trainer can slow down mp3's so you can try to pound out the notes on an instrument.
theory will try to tell you that a semitone under an octave needs to go up. i say bull sh*t. Its time to stop sounding like beethoven already.
No matter what, expect to put time into learning. learn what is useful. learning key signatures might just be a waste of time if your intent is to never read sheet music, but compose in trackers.
Also if you wanna be good at hockey, fuck the rules. They say the puck goes in the net, I say bull sh*t. Its time to stop playing like the Habs already. Learning the rules might just be a waste of time if your intent is to never play in an arena, but play hockey outside.
This level of stupidity can't be natural, you've clearly trained for years to achieve this. Theory is not relevant unless you want to copy other people. Words fucking fail me.
Please mister jacker, do show us your music. Try as I might no amount of Google magic returns any result.
201 Mar 12, 2015 2:19 pm
Re: Fuck Buttons' dude goes chiptune (41 replies, posted in General Discussion)
CMO Witchhunt-Snowball Template #32:
693 comments on a thread. One (count it... one) of which is kind of negative, everybody rants about "the people on this site" and elevate themselves above one another.
(yes... fully aware of the irony here, no need to point it out )
202 Mar 11, 2015 8:10 pm
Re: Spent 4 hrs on 8 bars. (12 replies, posted in General Discussion)
N00bstar did some loops for ironfinger (an indie IOS developer) a while back, you could chat with him.
Reporting for duty sir. SIR YES SIR. *does some military-looking things*
A few tips for short ingame loops:
1) Poetry. More specifically, limericks and haikus. Weird tip? Yep. Go listen to a few limericks on the tubeternets, and notice the musical quality of it. How ending on a high note suggest there's more coming, and ending on a lower note suggests the limerick is done. Kind of the same for melodies. If your melody is going to repeat a whole damn lot, it helps the listener know "where" he is in the loop if there are definite start, middle and end point.
2) A-B structure. Find something that resolves in four bars, then add four more bars of something else. The relative minor works very well in such cases.
3) Tempo. The faster the song, the more music you can fit in the same time....obviously. Some ideas are good, but hard to resolve in just a few bars. A faster tempo might be what you need to make your idea loop properly.
4) Keep it simple and sparse. With loops, you usually don't have time/space for an intro. Generally you jump right into the meat of the song. As such, you don't want your song to have 83 layers of epic harmonies because that's way too much for the listener to grasp right away. Songs with tons of layers tend to build up into complexity, but you don't have that luxury. So, keep it to the minimum the song needs....drums, bass, chord, lead. Only add to that formula if there really is something missing.
5) Similarily, don't try to be too innovative in your chord progressions. People have to "get" what your music is about in a very short time. Classic been-there-done-that progressions work best for this. Don't give me none of that artistic fucking bullshit about expressing your fucking feelings. You're on a fucking gameboy making fucking loops for a fucking game. If you want feeling, go paint a vase or something.
6) Learn about tension. You want a strong tension to build by the end of your loop. One that screams the need to resolve back to your home chord. Dom7th chords work wonders for this. Learn to use the leading tone in your melodies too (google it). If you build up enough tension in your chords and melody, then it doesn't feel like a loop because every bit of you wants the damn song to resolve back to the root chord. Powerful weapon in your arsenal.
edit: Oh yes and... you're shooting for at least three complete loops per day. Anything under that, you're overthinking it. A lot of these songs will be of dubious quality and that is NOT a problem. Build yourself a library of looping songs so that when you're ready to include music in your stuff, you can pick the best ones out. For Ironfist, I composed 55 loops and 11 were selected for the final product. Other contracts I had in the past had a similar ratio of composed-to-selected. It's normal. You didn't waste 44 loops, you made sure the 11 selected one were the best you could do.
203 Mar 11, 2015 1:36 am
Re: Glow in the dark plastic sheets as backlight? (8 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)
Phosphorescence needs to absorb photons before releasing them. Basically, you'll need a source of light to charge up the material at regular intervals, which sort of defeats the purpose of your idea.
204 Mar 6, 2015 5:33 pm
Re: What am I doing wrong? (LSDJ Mastering for SoundCloud etc.) (8 replies, posted in Audio Production)
haha yeah I know it's a sweet ass piece of gear. It's just a shame that 90% of all distressors out there are handled by EDM jerkoffs on a mission to make music as undynamic as possible.
205 Mar 6, 2015 4:25 pm
Re: What am I doing wrong? (LSDJ Mastering for SoundCloud etc.) (8 replies, posted in Audio Production)
Buy more Distressors. If there's is one sound in the universe that is still louder than your song, add more Distressors. If people say its too soft, add Distressors. If [any situation here] then add more Distressors.
It's super simple to use. Just turns the Moron knob way up, and the Tasteless one to about 50%. Watch it for a second, then put it to 100%. Then add another Distressor.
If your resulting wav file is not a solid black bar, you're doing it wrong.
206 Mar 5, 2015 5:34 am
Re: Help me get the .sav files for Roboctopus - Jelly (20 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)
TEOMAWKI wrote:dibs on sampling this
207 Mar 5, 2015 4:20 am
Re: Help me get the .sav files for Roboctopus - Jelly (20 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)
I am speechless.
208 Mar 5, 2015 1:02 am
Re: Help me get the .sav files for Roboctopus - Jelly (20 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)
Seriously, fuck you. It's two fucking dollars. There's no argument to be had here. Pay the man his two dollars or kindly waltz your sad fucking ass out of here.