additionally, I wasn't clear but I'm trying to make 2 carts from my friend. the FF1+2 will ultimately run PR8 and the smaller board is to run NTRQ

no worries. I re-programmed another set of eproms (while waiting for the original set to be erased) and attempted to mount the NTRQ eprom directly onto the SNROM board (this time adding the wires to jumper thru-hole 1 to pin 30, thru-hole 2 to pin 31, thru-hole 24 to pin 2, and tacking a wire from the nub of pin 24 on of the eprom and running it to pin 16 for ground), but I have still not been successful in getthing anything other than a grey screen to appear when powering up the famicom sad

I have not taken the steps to add the CR2032 coin batteries (still waiting for those to show up in the mail). I would be very appreciative if you coulld post the values for the resistors and diodes that I need and where they go.

I've gone through all of the pages on his blog, but unfortunately I still feel like I'm missing something

thanks for your reply. both the 27c2001 and 27c020 are 256Kb x 8 eproms (the link that you provided shows this for the 27c2001).

however, since the .prg images for both PR8 and NTRQ are only 128Kb in size, I believe that I must use the binary copy to double up the image size prior to burning it to fit the 256k eprom size (this is mentioned in the 2nd link that you provided smile. I'll give that a shot tomorrow and see what happens

here are some images of both the FF1+2 board and the other board that my friend provided me with to produce the mod tracker carts for him

the last post in this thread: … cart-guide is more than 3 months old, so I couldn't just add a reply there

I know that I'm late to the party, but I'm trying to build a few carts for a friend of mine.

for the first one, I'm attempting to make a PR8 cart out of an FF1+2 famicom cart

he's sent me the FF1+2 cart and I've unsoldered the program mask rom from it. it was my assumption that all I needed to do was split the PR8.nes rom using ucon64 and then burn the .prg portion to the eprom
we are using M27C2001 eproms (which I believe are 256mb), so do I need to double up the .prg binary first using the "copy /b" method?

additionally, do I need bend the legs and add jumper wires (pins 1,2,16, 24, 30 and 31) to the FF1+2 cart or can the eprom be directly plugged into straight soldered socket?