Jellica, oh! you pretty thing, dream of David Bowie's penis.

I have not seen the linguini film, no.
We should have a Bowie film festival!


There are multiple penises in The Man Who Fell To Earth, among them David's.

Jellica wrote:

hey this texting about going to the cinema is getting expensive. can we drag this thread out longer talking about romantic comedies starring david bowie?

I just want to see his penis on the big screen to be perfectly honest.

They're intelligent.
They know that by keeping this thread open, the vast majority of the (mostly my) fuckery stays locked in here instead of spreading to the rest of the boards.
Besides, it's not hurting anyone. Well apart from Je m'appelle, but I still can't figure why he hates The Cambridge Trio that much.


Leave Jellica and 4mat alone, you Cambridge hater!

I make other people write music for me.

Did I just win the popularity contest?

I sell ointment too.

Je m'appelle is jealous of my shoe prosounding/backlighting/hello-kittying business and of my ability to punctuate his handle right.

And that is why I hate this place.

Ban people with no sense of humor.
No humor, no warning.

Chainsaw Police wrote:

Nu-uh, not until we make 100 inside jokes.

We NEED to hang here UNTIL we have made 100 inside jokes, until then nothing is funny.