xX 8 BIT CHAMPION Xx wrote:


Please elaborate in a constructive fashion. But most importantly, entertain me.

Can I get a track titled Broccoli Pegasus? Maybe in 99 tracks from now. Please?


What is an apple dragon? Is it a dragon made of apples? A dragon that breathes apples? An apple that turns you into a dragon? If so, can I have one?

Mozart's "twinkle twinkle..." is still pretty dope for a first track. Not saying anyone here is Mozart but there sure is a middle ground between that and the aforementioned take on what can make you a good musician. Anyway, good musicians don't make good music necessarily. As an example, good studio musicians: Toto. good music: The Ramones.

I can't believe nothing has been said about the title of that track though. "Apple Dragon", discuss.

I'd have an attitude if I was told I needed to do something exactly 99 times over before I stopped "sucking".

It's not hate.

Because sophism.

Because I don't consider you legitimate, but mostly because I don't approve of your comment of a thousand songs at all.

Do you know who 4mat is and has been for the last 20 years young sir? Shame Bit Shifter isn't here to get told to gtfo of this thread.

No, this place can still sink lower when it comes to disregarding the advice of solidly established musicians. Kids, take it to some epic level like I know you can.

Yup, this place is anti-newbie. But since when is Frostbyte not a n00b??


(14 replies, posted in Releases)

Heard it all weekend and still listening to it.


(208 replies, posted in Bugs and Requests)

4mat wrote:

why are you all so bothered about track X being rated higher than track Y anyway?



(208 replies, posted in Bugs and Requests)

If this was a popularity contest, the Jellica+4mat track would win.
And then they'd go and make more.
Is this really what we want as a community?
I think not.