(38 replies, posted in General Discussion)

Sorry, can't miss NYC


(29 replies, posted in Past Events)

Don't worry : the MA chipscene is all about silly hats.


(19 replies, posted in General Discussion)


Some yankees just booked me a ticket to Philly...guess I have no choice but to be there.                                                                                 tongue

No Price Is Right?

I have nothing to spam, but you guys are welcome to stalk me.

Bumping this : guys, 2 for 7$ on beer and drinks. Awesome music. Need I say more?


(11 replies, posted in General Discussion)

I'm with Analog on this one : boot from a Linux live CD (The Unbuntu one is really, really easy to use). You'll at least know if it's software or hardware related. And whatever the case is, that live CD comes with a couple of nifty diagnostic tools. I always keep one on hand for troubleshooting.


(274 replies, posted in General Discussion)

Toy Company now has a twitter account : @toy_company


(250 replies, posted in Past Events)

Well I, for one, would like to say that I'm looking forward to this show.
I had already been making plans to be in NYC around that date, but even if it hadn't been the case, I would've been making plans to be in NYC for that show.
Looking forward to see people I haven't seen since Blip, and meet others I have yet to meet IRL.
Now, that being said, don't expect me to be around at 11:00am, I need my beauty sleep! :3

can we kill this thread, please ? ;_;
(Oh shit, I'm actually bumping it...)

Jesus, I have created a monster. Sorry guys, sorry.
Also, damn you french, damn you.

I'm gonna try to get someone to do an interesting design. Just CHIPCUNT in text, no matter the font, bores me to death. Any artist interest in making a design please email me at veroniquelaforest (at) gmail (dot) com.


(250 replies, posted in Past Events)

RG I will try and make it happen. Also, I OWN CHIPCUNT :3


(250 replies, posted in Past Events)

Searched Google, Myspace and Last.fm and the closest result I got for both "chipcunt" and "chip cunt" is a track titled "chiffon and chip" by Anal Cunt. CHIPCUNT is mine, all mine...


(250 replies, posted in Past Events)

OK. I believe I'll be selling CHIPCUNT shirts.
Any suggestions?