godddddd damnnniittttttttt Tanner yall shoulda let me know this was going down!!
545 Feb 12, 2012 9:24 pm
Re: [US][TACOMA,WA] 2-11-12 ==== dorky's arcade show === NOW WITH OPEN MIC (10 replies, posted in Past Events)
546 Jan 25, 2012 8:53 pm
Re: Got Scammed by hunterizzle (20 replies, posted in Trading Post)
it's sad that assuming someone isn't going to steal your stuff makes you a full blown dumbass
what a sad story!
Sure would be nice to be able to hold a little bit of faith in humanity, wouldn't it?
This community is pretty awesome for the most part. I always thought the worst you came across was some mid-grade trolling.. and even then you had to be 15 and insecure to have it actually impact your life.
I'm also extremely unlucky in general though, so hopefully this isn't any kind of trend
547 Jan 25, 2012 4:46 am
Re: Got Scammed by hunterizzle (20 replies, posted in Trading Post)
It was actually only 4 now that I think about it.. but trust me, I retrospectively feel like a full blown dumbass. Was really busy at the time and had put it off for so long I naively tried to take care of it all at once
548 Jan 24, 2012 8:17 pm
Re: Got Scammed by hunterizzle (20 replies, posted in Trading Post)
hahahahahahahah yeah!! so funny!!!
549 Jan 24, 2012 8:06 pm
Re: Got Scammed by hunterizzle (20 replies, posted in Trading Post)
Thanks herr_prof..
Getting in touch with the authorities is always at the very bottom of my list of actions.. but looks like it would be a lot easier and cheaper than flying down to Texas and beating his ass
550 Jan 23, 2012 10:40 pm
Topic: Got Scammed by hunterizzle (20 replies, posted in Trading Post)
So I already dumbly posted about this in the feedback thread.. but figured I'd move it to its own little thang over here via some serious copy and paste:
"-100000000000000000 hunterizzle.. sent him 5 of my DMGs (one of them was fucking Blue) and he said he would have all the mods done within a week or two. Couple months go by of him emailing me maybe once a week about how he had a bunch of problems going on and he was so sorry but was gonna get it done soon. Another month goes by and I email him like 5 times in a row.. never received an email back. Sent them to him late August and I'm now out of 5 fully modded DMGs.
I feel like a fucking idiot"
Guess you can call this a public service announcement of sorts too, cause I would hate to have something like this happen to anybody else.
-His name is Hunter Cure
-He lives/lived in Austin, TX
I wouldn't be surprised if he's dipped out of the chip community entirely, but might as well keep an eye out for him using a different username around trading posts again.
I don't have a whole lot of hope as far as getting my Gameboys back goes... but I thought I'd give it a whirl and see if any of you guys have dealt with a situation like this, and if so, how you went about handling it?
551 Jan 20, 2012 9:54 pm
Re: knife city - magfest sucky ep (33 replies, posted in Releases)
haven't even listened yet but I thought I would stop by first and mention that I'M SO FUCKING EXCITED FOR THIS SHIT
552 Jan 5, 2012 8:45 am
Re: Blipfest NY this year? (46 replies, posted in General Discussion)
yeiauh west coast blip would be dope as fuck
553 Dec 24, 2011 4:52 am
Re: Nanoloop 1.6 announced (209 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)
just ordered!! the price really got me good..
554 Dec 5, 2011 2:27 am
Re: FS- Lots of Gear (13 replies, posted in Trading Post)
Also have exact same crack in my bleep bloop haha
555 Dec 1, 2011 10:40 pm
Re: shitbird - "Dropping A Deuce" [CDs NOW AVAILABLE] (47 replies, posted in Releases)
Oh my god the beat at 0:30 on vultures theme what the fuck
Had no clue a DMG was capable of making perfect sweeps..
556 Nov 2, 2011 8:51 pm
Re: Abortifacient World Tour Phase 2 [JP/AUS] - 2011 (13 replies, posted in Past Events)
I'll get the airpline if you get the tranquilizer darts.. I go through those things like candy
557 Oct 27, 2011 7:29 am
Re: One-Handed GB Games !? (32 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)
are there any porn games for gb?
Pokemon usually gets me pretty hard
558 Oct 19, 2011 7:32 am
Re: [OLY, WA] █▓▒░DATAFRUITS░▒▓█ - deepearth, firedrill, ovenrake (13 replies, posted in Past Events)
gahhhblargahf I wish I was at this
559 Oct 13, 2011 2:19 am
Re: What should happen at chipshows? (25 replies, posted in General Discussion)
I was thinking the lack of clothing and throwing a cutup gameboy color around was a sure giveaway.
560 Sep 14, 2011 1:54 am
Re: shitbird - "Dropping A Deuce" [CDs NOW AVAILABLE] (47 replies, posted in Releases)
Could not be more impressed.. this is the most dynamic thrashy chip that's ever been made