the things in the first post are still available, let me know offers etc. at undergroundface(at)gmail(dot)com

Iitch wrote:

what version # is the midines?

im not sure but i think it is 1.1.0 something like that, i dont have my nes at hand to check tho

nickmaynard wrote:

can i ask how you got the skull graphic on to the gameboy?

it was a vinyl sticker, but unfortunally it has been sold, but let me know if you want anything, give me an email!


(8 replies, posted in Trading Post)

sxe_weekend wrote:
robotboy wrote:

ah ic kl, well email me an offer if you want and we can try to sort something out, or have we done this already? i have a very bad memory!!

did so already lol.  from litebritedeath at gmail dot com  you said you would get back to me if nobody picked it up.  tongue

sorry mate im quite absent minded atm, i will give you a mail now!


(8 replies, posted in Trading Post)

sxe_weekend wrote:
robotboy wrote:

i am indeed thanks for that BetaSynapse! its still available so give me an email!!

I am also litebritedeath robotboy tongue

ah ic kl, well email me an offer if you want and we can try to sort something out, or have we done this already? i have a very bad memory!!


(8 replies, posted in Trading Post)

BetaSynapse wrote:

Robotboy here is selling one. … -dmgs-etc/

i am indeed thanks for that BetaSynapse! its still available so give me an email!!

calmdownkidder wrote:

Please indicate prices on items you are selling, if you are tying to see what you can get for it use an auction site like ebay.

Them's the rules

there you go mate, edited to put prices in smile

Hey guys,

I have a few things for sale, so give me some offers and we can see what we can do smile



*Midines: £100

*Circuit Bent Speak & Spell (By FASTMATT and barely been used): £100

*Creme Dementia Bottle Cap Contact Mic: £12

Email me offers at undergroundface(at)gmail(dot)com

I am willing to discuss these prices, so give me an email and we can work it out!

Thanks guys!

PS. The pixelh8 cart in the picture has been sold!!