(19 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)


The LSDJ cart started acting the SAME way with my other gameboys, so I replaced the battery and now it works on all of them!
The only thing I can note with the DMG is that when you start playing whatever notes you have tracked out, the contrast on it goes up a tiny bit.
Is this normal?
I still have the option to send it back to the person who sold it to me.
Should I do that?

I believe if you put some lemon juice on it and lay it out in the sun it should work.


(19 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

Jazzmarazz wrote:
Timbob wrote:

Rechargeable batteries are usually not as strong as normal batteries. They also provide 1,2 volts usually instead of 1,5. So there's that as well.

Right. Are they NiCd batteries? These also have the lowest mAh output.

Nah, they're Energizer. But they do have 1.2 volts like Timbob said. This might be the problem.


(19 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

Timbob wrote:

Rechargeable batteries are usually not as strong as normal batteries. They also provide 1,2 volts usually instead of 1,5. So there's that as well.

I did not know this.


(19 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

Jazzmarazz wrote:

What the DMG really needs is a fifth battery slot. xD

This is genius.


(19 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

Timbob wrote:

Bear in mind that lsdj is quite a heavy program to run, and backlights do add extra strain on your batteries, so some contrast/light reaction is normal.

It also depends sometimes on how the backlight was attached. There are various points to choose, and some respond more to power fluctuation then others.

Anyway, in short: yes, maybe, could be, could be not.

Also, I hear a lot of people talking about replacing the battery inside the EMS when the gameboy starts to act weird.

Now it could be just me, but isn't that battery not just for saving the ram? How does an empty save battery effect the rest of the gameboy?

Agh! You're probably right! But would taking the save battery out ruin/delete my LSDJ saves?


(19 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

PanicPlant wrote:

Oh, wow... That is... strange hmm
Do you have the chance to borrow someone's LSDJ to see how the DMG reacts to that one??

I think that's as far as I can help sad I hope you can fix that.

I'm actually the only person around (where I live) that does chiptunes at all, so no.. -w-
Still, your help is greatly appreciated! I'm going to try new batteries. Maybe it could be dirty terminals or whatever. Who knows.


(3 replies, posted in Releases)

Ooh, I really like it. Downloading.


(19 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

PanicPlant wrote:

Hmm sounds like the EMS64 is the thing. Maybe the internal battery of the cartridge?

That could be it, but that doesn't really explain why it works on the other gameboys. x.x
I never mentioned that. The EMS 64 thingy works fine on my Gameboy Colors.


(19 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

Hey, all. (First post here, pretty new to the chiptune music scene.)

I recently ordered a modded DMG off of eBay from a pretty trustworthy looking guy. Nothing special, just has a backlight and prosound. It works fine with any normal Gameboy game (Mega Man, Pokemon Red, etc.), but when I use my EMS 64s with LSDJ flashed on it, it goes bonkers any time I press start. It gets all low pitched and makes crazy noises, and the contrast goes up all the way so I cannot see anything unless I adjust it again.

Any idea what is the issue? Could it maybe need fresh batteries? I'm using some rechargeable batteries that were in my Gameboy colors, and like I said it works fine with regular games. I can attach pictures if necessary. c: