Hello! I am happy to announce Planet Zaxxon's first official release! And it is for a great cause!
This is a special album created by some dedicated adlib (Sound Blaster) musicians. Our goal is to raise some funds for subz3ro (one of the main creators of Adlib Tracker II, the program in which these songs were composed on). All proceeds will go to subz3ro so he can further develop Adlib Tracker II and it can be even better. Once we reach the number amount in mind, we will then make the album free for download. We all very much love FM/OPL3 music and had the idea to support it anyway we can. So why not an album! Thank you to much everyone who has been apart of the album !! Enjoy the tunes and thank you for the support!
Track listing:
01. Dretz and NAB622 - Rainbow Factory (Originally done by WoodenToaster)
02. Diode Milliampe vs Televicious - On Planet Zaxxon (Televicious Edit)
03. Televicious - Sunny
04. Dretz - Pommy's Theme (Originally done by Yatsunori Mitsuda)
05. OxygenStar - Bagel Bite Beats
06. OxygenStar - The Lazy Gnome
07. Diode Milliampe vs Televicious - Xmission (Televicious Edit)
08. Diode Milliampe - Milinda
09. Televicious - Butterflies
10. Televicious - Discworld
11. Benjamin Gerardin - Subz3ro (Remastered Version)
BANDCAMP LINK: http://planetzaxxon.bandcamp.com/