Ok, that's fair enough. I really do appreciate that lots of folks work very hard and release these things for free. Nevertheless, here it is :-)

hmm, hopefully I didn't step on any toes by mistake! I assumed this is where releases would go... is it frowned upon to put indie releases here if it is for sale? In any case, I surely don't want to be "that guy," so by all means PM me if I'm doing something wrong here.

Hey everyone,

I'm new around here, so a quick intro: I'm a musician who is now in the video game industry as a level designer (I work for Vicious Cycle Software, who you might know for the Matt Hazard games). Basically my story is that once I get my video game industry job, I wanted to participate in my previous profession as a musician. I've been a fan of chipmusic for awhile, and with the awesome dxi plugins from tweakbench, it wasn't too hard to take my usual composition approach (Cakewalk SONAR) and adapt it to this music.

I hope you guys dig this stuff. It is available for sale here:

And I have some full length samples up on YouTube:


I look forward to being a part of this community! I have a ton of ideas to try after this one, and listening to all the great stuff here is certainly inspirational! :-)