(22 replies, posted in General Discussion)

yea i am looking for file transfers because i want to offer .rar archives of free to use images and music


(22 replies, posted in General Discussion)

also do u recommend hosting photos off server like on a photo site or having the photos uploaded to the server itself? is there a difference aside from data space?

yea im using a code up approach no templates but i will look and see maybe ill use a modified template if it fits the looks im going for but what i have now is pretty spiffy

lolz doin it ghetto wrote my shit in notepad


(22 replies, posted in General Discussion)

what kind of lag we talking? like days?


(22 replies, posted in General Discussion)

also i will say i like the design of your site kitsch did you code that yourself? just wondering not to like call you out or what ever


(22 replies, posted in General Discussion)

yea the prices dont look bad.. do they give you an option of using a third party email service? (i know i should be asking them but i rather would get advice  from user experience)


(22 replies, posted in General Discussion)

ITT: we discuss the web hosts you use, what you recommend and what i can expect when aquiring my first domain..

i recently taught myself HTML and CSS.. in the process of learning some javascript and im working on building a nice website to post my art and music.. i dont really know much about web hosts or what i should be paying or what im doing really in that front.. please give me suggestions i could use them


(80 replies, posted in Graphics, Artwork & Design)

yea rob sheridan is aiight


(80 replies, posted in Graphics, Artwork & Design)

i dont exactly think there is such a thing..

feel free to check my stuff tho
http://chipmusic.org/forums/topic/12678 … ng-thread/


(80 replies, posted in Graphics, Artwork & Design)

it looks like you did text bends basically halfway down the file and then hit it with audacity am i rite?


(9 replies, posted in LittleGPTracker)

yea i didnt put <config> and </config> on the top and bottom of the code i just had them at the top like an idiot


(9 replies, posted in LittleGPTracker)

never mind i got it


(9 replies, posted in LittleGPTracker)

do you think you could post a screen shot of the config? i think i just doin it wrong


(9 replies, posted in LittleGPTracker)

i would like to see color palette editing/resolution parameters on the WIN32 version of it.. i just get really sick of looking at this:

and i know you can write a config file to make it go to full screen but i dont want a full screen because it looks all stretched out n shit...


(33 replies, posted in Trading Post)

[zazi as he waits for someone to buy his stuff]

oh hay kitsch you hopefully will be hearing from me soon about the same thing i think im finally ready to drop the big bucks lol i feel confortable enough now with lsdj and piggy to invest in a cart and get my lime green gbc out of storage..

buying LSDJ on a cart tutorial by puke flytalker

step one:

go buy a copy of lsdj from the site with a credit card from this site:

step two:

buy a 64m cart from www.kitsch-bent.com and forward the lsdj conformation of purchase email to [email protected] with ur username and password for lsdj

step three:

wait till xmas

step four:

eat a ton of candy and get frustrated with lsdj because you are a new user

step five:

eventually write a decent track and get trolled online by a bunch of neckbearded chiptune musicians