Thank you! It flows nicely from the first album, - and at some point I'll be finishing off the twenty six track collection with Quixotica 3... keep watching the skies
1 Jul 13, 2016 8:32 pm
Re: New (ish) album - Quixotica 2! (2 replies, posted in Releases)
2 Jul 11, 2016 8:21 pm
Re: Comeback Tracker Beta - Looking for musicians (25 replies, posted in Software & Plug-ins)
3 Jul 9, 2016 2:45 pm
Topic: Hello everyone! (0 replies, posted in General Discussion)
I realise, despite having signed up a while back, I've not done much posting on here... So I thought I should say hello.
Hello! I'm .mpegasus - I've played live a bit over the last few years (SuperByte last year) and have a couple of albums under my belt. I'll be playing the open mic stage at Hyperwave this month, and I'm at the Bleep Your Heart Out festival in Bristol next month. If you're at either, come and say hi
Here's my music if you want a listen - the chiptune stuff is Quixotica and Quixotica 2 - - plus I'm up on Spotify as 'mpegasus' if you're into that stuff.
I'm @mpegasusUK on twitter, too - come follow me!
4 Jul 9, 2016 2:40 pm
Re: Mr. Spastic - Meta (10 replies, posted in Releases)
Hyper good stuff, this
5 Jul 9, 2016 2:20 pm
Topic: New (ish) album - Quixotica 2! (2 replies, posted in Releases)
Hello everyone!
This actually came out last year, but I forgot to post about it so here it is. The sequel to 2013's Quixotica, it's ten tracks of atmospheric chiptunery.
Hope you all enjoy it!