nitro2k01 wrote:

Could you tell me the LSDj version you're using and share the save file with me?

The latest LSDJ, 4.7.3, is what I've been working with. The .sav file with the same loop I demo'd before is here, but I've honestly had the lagdragsag issue with every uber-simple project I've started / played with so far in BGB. Let me know if anything comes to mind since it seems like you have pretty decent experience with LSDJ on BGB yourself.

nitro2k01 wrote:

Using GBC a the emulated CPU will give you more GB side CPU power.

Yeah, and that... by default BGB was set up to prefer GBC emulation. I had the problem from the getgo. So I've tried switching that around to every possible emulation mode as well, no difference.

nitro2k01 wrote:

The exported wave file should always be sample perfect, even if the audio playback is not. As noted in the thread I linked to, there is a bug in versions prior to 1.4, and you should upgrade. Other than that, the timing should be as consistent as it can be on a Gameboy with respect to CPU load. (In other words heavy use of tables and vibrato and such.) Using GBC a the emulated CPU will give you more GB side CPU power.

And as for Gambatte and the save size, I haven't experienced that problem. Again, could it be that you need to upgrade to a later version?

I am using what appears to be the most recent version of BGB (1.4.3) and what, far as I can tell, is the most recent Win32 build of Gambatte available to me (r537).

From my machine, here is a 39-second sample of 2.5 quick passes through an eight-bar song in BGB 1.4.3, with, like I said, no tables / vibrato / really ANY note commands nor demanding timing requests, groove table still set to default 6/6. Just two pulse channels and one kit, all entered in simple sixteenth notes in the phrase editor.

In addition to sort of less-than-tight timing in general on the sixteenths, you'll hear each loop pass has a different spot midway through where the tempo goes super-saggy for at least a bar or two. This is direct BGB .wav writer output.

I would also think the exported wave file should be "sample perfect." It MAY in fact be sample perfect, with the problem happening somewhere in BGB's emulation itself.

yoyz2k wrote:

I Will look at it. IIRC I had no problem saving multiple project on lsdj with gambatte.
Could you send the version number of lsdj you are using ?
Remove the .sav in this folder. I don't know if BGB and gambatte understand the sav file the same way.

I'm attempting to use the latest LSDJ, 4.7.3. Gambatte version = r537 build, also the most recent Win32 .exe build I could easily locate.

BGB and Gambatte are creating differently-sized .sav files and I believe this is the issue - according to the manual, the file manager will only be usable on carts with > 1Mbit SRAM available, and otherwise you get the "reset memory" command instead. Gambatte seems to create a 32kb .sav no matter how many times I delete the .sav / restart the emu / reset mem, and BGB uses a 128kb .sav file.

I don't think the .sav size is user configurable in either emu. Have been looking to see if there are any docs to create an .ini for Gambatte and force the .sav size larger, but so far, no dice. If you can let me know what versions of both LSDJ and Gambatte *you* are using, that would be helpful too and I'd be very grateful for a chance to try it.

nitro2k01 wrote:

Are you trying to use this for recording or live performance? You can do two things, sync two instances of BGB using a virtual link cable...

I won't be performing live, light recording is a possibility. However, I think you may have misread my query - I'm not trying to sync two virtual instances (neat that you can do that, though), I'm trying to get ONE instance to run with correct / consistent timing. I dug into BGB's prefs last night and played around with just about every possible system-relevant setting for a full hour but nothing helped. Gambatte was pretty much locked in right off the bat, but now we have these other problems, and I wish I could get BGB working because the multichannel .wav export would be really handy at minimum.

I'd read some complaints about LSDJ on Gambatte so I hadn't tried it. The output is much, much more tightly timed than BGB on my Win7 machine. Thanks for that suggestion.

Now the "problem" I have, and I'm not sure what's normal here as I'm new to LSDJ, is that in BGB I can reach what appears to be a multi-song load/save screen off the project menu (following the clean song/instrument) commands, while LSDJ under Gambatte only offers me a "reset memory" command in that space. So it looks like I can only work on one song at a time under Gambatte, maybe (I guess I could use savestates? maybe?). Am I missin' something?

sunsp0t wrote:

I think that its because the gameboy in general will have variations in tempo if the song your playing is really cpu intensive, like lots of vibrato and whatnot.  I dont think its the emulators fault as much as a flaw with the gameboy cpu itself.

Right now I'm having the tempo variation / timing-slop problem on both emus / platforms with really simple loops I've slapped together - two or three channels, no tables or vibrato or even any commands other than note-on applied. I'll pretty much take any suggestions for emus that have worked on either platform with as close as possible to rock-solid timing.

I'd like to play with LSDJ w/o orig hardware or a transfer cart etc. I've got a PSP Go mostly for LGPT and of course a Win7 64 machine with a low end i7 chip as my main laptop.

Have tried Rin on PSP with LSDJ but timing / tempo variation is terrible and the drum kits sound like they've been run through a 1-bit bitcrusher and back. I don't know what other emus are out there for PSP yet and getting LSDJ working well on PSP is not currently the higher priority of the two platforms anyway, but I will take other emu recs if anyone is having better luck.

Using BGB on Win7 which seems to be an LSDJ-user favorite on that OS. The incl drums definitely sound much better, and LSDJ in general runs passably, but I am still having trouble keeping the timing rock solid. I've increased BGB latency, tried several GB model emulation modes and soundcards / Windows audio protocols, adjusted every in-app preference I know to adjust to try and improve timing, and raised process priority for BGB to highest possible in Windows itself. Still having noticeable push-pull tempo problems even when I'm giving BGB the machine's entire focus. The tempo variations are even present in the .wavs rendered by BGB.

Is there anything else I can do in BGB settings, or-- on EITHER platform-- any other emulator which might lock the tempo? I can deal with lousy-sounding drums more than I can with tempo-swerving.