herr_prof wrote:

Are the effects baked into the pack? Ive been looking for a good midines replacing sample pack, but the demos are a little too pan-y for my tastes.

There are 150 different device racks.  There's a group called "Plain Instruments" that has the basic waveforms (pulses, triangles, and noises) for the Nintendo and Gameboy.  Those are great for anyone looking into making pure 8-bit sounds.  The Nintendo ones were sampled from my MIDINES.  Personally I use these racks a lot more often than the MIDINES.  The rest of the instruments, in a group called "Tweaked Instruments" are much more complex and effect-ridden racks that are based off of the original waveforms. 

A lot of what you hear in the demo songs are the tweaked instruments.  The plain ones are there though, if you want to be a little more of a purist. 

Thanks and I hope that helps!

