(2 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

Thanks jazz! I'll check that out. I think some wires might be getting pinched, too, when the case is closed.


(2 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

Hey all, I've been working on backlight and prosound modding my DMG and all of a sudden the output seems to be gone. When I tested it no sound came from the speaker, RCA jacks I've added, or original headphone jack, even when I moved the volume wheel or the wires to see if it was just a connection issue. All the solder points seem to be fine and when I plug in I can hear the background humming of the gameboy, just no music. Does anyone know what could be wrong?

Any help is appreciated, thanks.


(3 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

Hey all, first time poster here and I need a bit of help. I'm currently working to install an RCA prosound mod in my DMG. I've seen modified DMGs with the jacks coming out the top of the case, but I can't figure out how to fit them there. My other idea was to remove the speaker and place the jacks in that space.

If anyone has experience with this mod, where did you put the jacks? Also, if I remove the speaker, what should I do with the wires, or how can I make sure everything will still work properly?

Many thanks in advance, I'm a bit stuck here.