Nevermind, thanks! Didn't think to search with PKMN
2 Jan 26, 2014 8:13 pm
Re: Cartridge Mod? Fe-RAM (11 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)
Using a FRAM chip? Do you happen to have a link?
3 Jan 26, 2014 8:06 pm
Topic: Cartridge Mod? Fe-RAM (11 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)
I've been doing some research today on modding a GB/GBC cartridge that saves with SRAM. I'm pretty sure that most of us know that SRAM requires constant power to retain its data, which is provided from a coin cell. These coin cells go dead after an amount of time and you loose your saves on LSDJ or basically any game that saves. Well what if we switched out the SRAM in that cartridge for Fe-RAM or just FRAM (not to be confused with the automotive filters) that does not require a constant supply of power to retain its data. I've been doing some research and I believe that I have found a good candidate for a replacement, a Fujitsu MB85R256F FRAM chip. It has the same amount of pins as the original, Sharp LH5164AN-10L, but I am unable to find pin-out sheets for either. I believe that if they have pin-out or at least similar pin-outs than a swap test might be in order. I'm just wondering if anybody has tried this before or what other people think of it.