(52 replies, posted in General Discussion)

e.s.c. wrote:

ok, well what i mean is this leaves out things you can do with the real hardware even (for example, intentionally making LSDJ choke on tables, since youd probably need it to be played back on the same model you wrote on to achieve the same sound due to different processor speeds and a GB emulator would play that back fine as it has access to way more power)...
plus youre drastically limiting how experimental people can be with this...but, go for it i guess?
sorry im a bit grumpy, just the comment about 23,000+ netlabels on archive.org rubbed me the wrong way, you know?
i mean, how can anyone be "worried" about a netlabel on archive.org anyway? ..i mean, i host pretty much all my releases myself, and have for years

Well, I really thought you're worried that there are no other noise-related or focused netlabels, that's why I checked archive.org. Yes, some or many hardware-related things would be excluded, I know, that bothered (and still bothers) me, but to focus something I must leave some things out, there are no other possibilities. Also, like in your LSDJ-example you mentioned I would imagine that for instance BGB would make things quite same way as real hardware, it seems quite accurate and 'picky', I always check my GB programs first with it (written with GBDK or GBASM or TASM or GBBASIC), in exactly 100% of cases if BGB do not play, then it doesn't work in real hardware, and if it works in BGB, then it works in real hardware too. That's of course only with my own stuff, other people might have different experiences.



(52 replies, posted in General Discussion)

Here are three examples of NES stuff I just did, pure NES programs written and compiled with NESASM, each file is 16 KB, no graphics or anything, just music:


All pieces are made same way, I write stuff to NES's APU (Audio Processing Unit) registers, in these examples only to Square1 ($4000-$4003) and noise channel ($400C-$400F, VBlanks are used for timing. Very simple but still there are endless amount of possibilites for these. Play with any NES-emulator, I use FCEU. I also use these kind of examples as raw material for VST's, reverbs, delays but that's different thing, I just want these registers dumped to some playable format, nothing else, there are a lot of netlabels who like to work with MP3/OGG/WAV/VST's, this netlabel will focus to noisy experimental raw 8-bit or less material.

Hope this helps !



(52 replies, posted in General Discussion)

e.s.c. wrote:

guys, its not like i cant get on netlabels, im just saying i find it disappointing is all...you are making a label for chipnoise (though your definition wouldnt match mine quite) and to be honest, most of the noisier artists in the chip scene tend to be a little more experimental in their methods beyond one single tracker (like baseck, 8cylinder, sil req, etc)
its that moment where i thought this may result in a netlabel for me to be a little more interested in, that i became less and less interested as i read your post, concluding with the realization that while i get referred to a being noise on a regular basis, not a single thing ive done would qualify under your label

e.s.c: Sorry if you're disappointed, anyway I might explained something badly: no, not a single tracker, use as many you like or no trackers at all, send programs (like .nes, .sms, .gb) or send Gameboy SRAM (.sav), TAP, SNA, AY, VGM, Atari 2600 BIN-files, .XEX, .VZ, whatever as long as there is a free player (or for programs free emulator) available and the content is pure, as close to real chip as possible. There are a lot of possibilites, actually endless amount, I don't know what's the problem for chip composer to make chip music using chip music tools. Only thing I don't want is ready-made MP3/WAV/OGG-formats, I want pure stuff, as noisy and experimental as possible. If 8cylinder would like to send something he would probably write a Gameboy programs and send .GB-files, or use some of his software like Sludgeon 2, do stuff and send saved slots for me. Pure 8-bit stuff, no VST-effects, only effects allowed are what chip of your choice allows. And whatever chip you choose to work, they ALL allow endless amount of possibilities.



(52 replies, posted in General Discussion)

jikoo wrote:

Happy to see your new netlabel pXtr ! heart

Thanks jikoo, you helped with this with your comment earlier in 8bc, the site address (and layout etc) will change soon, this is a temporarily place, just a start. "Official" announcement will be posted soon !



(52 replies, posted in General Discussion)

Zan-zan-zawa-butt wrote:

I like your idea, man, and I hope it makes you happy and zat you get to release a lot of good stuff. a lot of the criticism and discouragement you're getting sounds like it's coming directly from ze same sort of people who are swayed by PR.

just sorry I don't make music in ze style you're interested in

Thanks Zan-Zan, I'm not worried of criticism, I was sure beforehand that this might be an issue, all is well, stuff is coming, the site will change to another place, hopefully soon, then official announcement and off we go !



(52 replies, posted in General Discussion)

ant1 wrote:

Almost all chip formats can be played back by xmplay with enough plugins, and I'd expect the chipheads around here to already have players for a lot of formats.

Exactly, a lot of formats will be available in xmplay, I'm surprised if people really don't have players for basic chip music formats, really. Thanks ant1 helping with this (also, fishwhiskers is precisely kind of material I'm looking for....).



(52 replies, posted in General Discussion)

godinpants wrote:

I think you should up your size limit to 1.4mb and release everything on floppy disc.

No, that was different project where I made a portable Linux containing kernel (2.4.19 or was it .18),  with tiny X, ratpoison, busybox, mutt and about 60 programs, by using UPX (Ultimate Packer) I was able to fit everything to a one diskette. Otherwise not bad idea but I'm only focusing here to open source/freeware/non-commercial-kind of thinking, everything should be free, that excludes "hard media" where someone need to buy something.



(52 replies, posted in General Discussion)

celsius wrote:

Would love to see your download statistics in a month. I want to know how many people can actually be fucked either loading or installing a tracker to play back your offerings. I'm guessing very few but I'd like to be pleasantly surprised. Good luck!

Thanks celsius, however I won't probably much follow the statistics, I'm only interested of music/noise, not much anything else. But never know what happens !



(52 replies, posted in General Discussion)

egr wrote:

I'm looking at this more as a "back to the roots" style idea.  Trading modules, learning about software, keeping the file sizes tiny to simulate low bandwidth connections... but with a focus on noise.  I dig it!  Not that I knew anything about computer music back when those things were going on.

Exactly, you got the point: back to roots, trading, recycling ideas, tiny file sizes, focusing mainly on noise AND experimental stuff. I'm 49, I was there although the idea for this comes another direction,  especially one of my poetry publishing where I severely limited the size of the books to exactly 8 pages. But you're right, this is a bit different, it is "back to the roots" idea.



(52 replies, posted in General Discussion)

PlainFlavored wrote:

I was actually pretty into this until I clicked on your link and saw comic sans.

Haha, well, to tell the truth I made the page from scratch in 8 minutes, it will change, I used same method for choosing fonts to the site version 0.00001, chance (I closed my eyes, moved the mouse and clicked, pretty much same way I compose, just close my ears, click buttons and then listen what happened smile. It will change today, the site will be simple, that's only sure thing.



(52 replies, posted in General Discussion)

e.s.c. wrote:

its great that theres now plans for a a specifically noise-aimed label that choses such harsh releasing rules that would exclude basically all of my music

Sorry of that, but do not worry, there are 23 691 netlabels in archive.org and at least 2617 of them have included word "noise" to their keywords. I could imagine most of them are pretty noise-focused netlabels and also accepts MP3/WAV/OGG/etc. stuff.



(52 replies, posted in General Discussion)

boomlinde wrote:

Start the label and I'll make an EP!

Excellent, it is already started, I will post an "official" announcement soon (where to send, guidelines etc). Here's the address of the site:


Please do not bookmark the site yet, the address might be changed, I need to discuss with untergrund.net people of possibility of own subdomain.

I'm really looking forward your EP !



(52 replies, posted in General Discussion)

OK, first release out, few (or more than few) things should be done but something like this simple I had in my mind. Five pieces, each ca. 4 min, total size ca. 800 KB, zipped size 303 KB. And before you ask, 1 MB restrictions is for unzipped pieces.

Just a start, nothing special, looking forward for more submissions !




(52 replies, posted in General Discussion)

egr wrote:

I really like your concept (and noise/chaos in general).  I have to ask:  Why the 1MB cap?  If you did away with that you could include the needed players in the release... you'd be asking for a mountain of headaches and "tech support" requests but it would be a nice touch.

Regardless, expect some submissions from me (if for no other reason than to see what happens)!

Thanks ! The 1MB was just a meaningless rule (which I happen to like much), but of course there's other things too: 1. To prevent making very big samples in MOD/XM-format 2. To save disk space
and especially 3. the bandwidth limitations of the site. It could be 2MB or 4MB, I just liked 1MB, it shouldn't be a big problem.

Great, I look forward, I'm now doing the first release, just an example of the "model".



(52 replies, posted in General Discussion)

infradead wrote:

so music for music's sake.

what a crazy concept.

i love the idea but honestly can't be arsed to deal with trying to figure out how to make those formats play on my computer.

but the idea is ace!

Exactly, you got the idea, just download a tracker, like Vortex, and make the stuff.
For many formats mentioned here you just need one player, XMPlay:


The link for a player/tracker will be added with the EP's (hopefully at least some, mine if nothing else).

The site is now up, first version (v.0.00001), here:


Please do not bookmark yet, I need to make few things first, the address might be changed, but that will happen only once. 



(52 replies, posted in General Discussion)

akira^8GB wrote:
ant1 wrote:

Maybe there's someone in the world who doesn't care what most people will say about what [s?]he does. That'd be good! smile

Then there's no point in creating a platform for distribution of media.

Let's make a TV channel, but I don't care if people watch it

When you make experimental music, kind of stuff I'm doing here, there's no point to calculate how many comments and/or listener's I might have for this and that piece. Most people simply don't like experimental stuff, anyway I love those chip sounds and I'm going to make this music rest of my life any way, I simply don't (can't) care if anyone is listening/liking/anything. I just try to be honest for myself, do what I feel right, at the moment when I push Submit-button I don't know or care what happens, no one of us can't only make music for our time, we lose control in that moment, our music can be anywhere which means that some kids who haven't yet born will hear some of this stuff at some time in future. Exactly, let's make music, who cares if anyone is listening, there's no way to control it.