(6 replies, posted in Software & Plug-ins)

The knobs were *almost* too small for mouse, It just seems unusable to me on an iPhone.

Replied to your post in the group. If you are new to the whole having to compile stuff on your own don't worry. Compile time errors are usually caused by trivially fixed problems.

Ah yes sorry about that smile It completely escaped me. I will write an e-mail reply about it today.

Hi, I am the person maintaining this project and found this discussion when looking for mentions of it on Google. I have a few points to add. I find that many people don't realize how much they can influence the development by simply signing up to the mailing list and contributing suggestions, annoyances, what machines you really really need, etc. I am myself guilty of this and I do see how this is a bit of a pain in the ass to not forget to do. Remember, if you have a problem and I don't know about your problem chances of me fixing it are very very low wink Most (but not all) annoyances and bugs are fairly trivial to fix in a project of this size. So contribute bug reports and comments. Thanks in advance!