Just got my retroskoi + cart in the mail just now!

And I got prophet64 because I found it for real cheap on eBay,   and I don't really need the MIDI features of Mssiah,  anyway.

In this link ( http://www.bigmech.com/misc/c64mods/ ) he is modding a C64-C... I am wondering if the circuit board is different in an original C64?  Should I be trying to find a C64-C model to mod anyways (better SID chips)?

The more research I do,  the more I want to mod up my C64,  sid2sid,  audio outs,  feedback,  pots,   led,  etc,  etc etc.

Actually I'd like to get a spare C64 to work on,  in case I mess it up,  but if it works I can use one for Cynthcart or Retroskoi and the other for P64.

Thanks guys,  I've been doing more research and reading the manuals and stuff and I bought a "1351" mouse on eBay,  which I believe is the recommended C64 mouse to use with P64. 

The saving issue is something that I will have to look into eventually,  but at the moment,  I don't have a computer to save to anyways (i use an iPad) so I guess I'll have to keep my sequencer songs pretty short and simple for the time being.

One thing I'm a little worried about is that I'm pretty sure I have one of the older,  older C64's with an early SID chip,  so I hope everything still will sound OK.

One thing I might have to DIY up is another potentiometer box... I already have one that I made for use with my Cynthcart,  but I understand P64 supports 2 (4 pots).  But does that use the same port that the mouse does?  Then I would be limited to just 1 pot box.

Maybe I'll make/get a double SID thing down the road some day.

I heard about/ordered Retroskoi last week,  I'm just waiting for the to ship it to me!  Ordered the P64 today,  I'm stoked!  big_smile. Love that C64 sound!

Thinking about getting a Prophet64 cart,  and I was wondering what else I would need to use it?  I have the C64,  obviously,  (and a tv monitor) but do I need a mouse too?  If so,  what kind?  I don't have any midi gear to use so I was just planning on using the c64 keyboard,  that works,  right?

Thanks for your help.


(5 replies, posted in Commodore Computers)

Hope I explained it clearly enough... Play the chord,  press/hold shift (left side shift),  release the chord,  release shift = smile


(5 replies, posted in Commodore Computers)

Yeah,  I noticed that it matters which order you release them,  but it's just easier for me to use the SHIFT trick. smile


(3 replies, posted in Releases)

Nice work...  listening to your other albums too,  consistently good!

I've noticed when using Cynthcart with the release set to long,  that when you release a chord,  it sounds sort of cut off and weird (at least on my Cynthcart). But by using this trick you can let those chords ring out!

Say you play a chord.  Normally it will sustain as long as you hold the keys down but as soon as you release the chord,  it sounds weird... It sort of plays the highest note again...hard to describe.  But if you hold down SHIFT after you play the chord,  and then let go of the SHIFT button,  it will sound fine... The notes you played continue to ring and fade away appropriately. 

It has to be the SHIFT button on the left side of the keyboard,  not the one on the right. 

It also acts as a sort of HOLD feature... It will hold the note/notes that you played until you release it.

I know this sounds sort of strange,  and I'm not sure if everyone's Cynthcart behaves this way,  or just mine.  If anyone wants to verify this behavior on their Cynthcart,  be my guest!

Deep cloning will copy a phrase/chain and paste it with a new number so you can change it as much as you want without affecting the original phrase/chain....

say you have phrase/chain 01.  Add another 01 phrase/chain right underneath it.  Then highlight the second one,  hold select and press B,  then A.  The number will change but you will have the exact same phrase/chain cloned.

Make sure CLONE in settings is set to DEEP. 

Hope I explained it okay,  but check out the manual for more details... I think "deep cloning" is what you are looking for.

Note,  phrase/chain= phrase OR chain

And you can also clone instruments

http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?Vi … CA:US:1123

The Nanoloop cart has been sold so I am selling the GBA +sync cable here:

http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?Vi … CA:US:1123

...Not to say that it couldn't be other things... Search this forum for "overheating" and you will find some relevant threads.

I've experienced this with a certain backlight that was too bright.  It can be fixed by adding a resistor,  about 33 ohm is what I used.

OK lazerbeat,  no problem...  Didn't realize I was doing it wrong,  sorry!  I will decide on a price,  but probably put it on eBay,  as well then.  Thanks!

I found the cable,  it is the Nintendo CGB-003,  with a DMG-14 adapter.   So,  you could sync with another AGB-001 or a DMG.