Hey everyone,

Ive been trying to backup my songs from nanoloop 2.7.9 and having a bit of a problem.

I am able to upload my songs from nanoloop to my pc and it says it uploads fine but when i try to download the same song back to nanoloop it finishes sending all 16k but i get an error code E6 FF and nanoloop doesnt want to respond (I have to reset the gameboy at this point).

Ive tried this using different computrrs (MAC and PC), different gameboys, different link cables but i get the same error. I also tried using the web tool and the old executable and get the same issue. I tried flipping the GBC cable around but that didnt work

ive attached the screenshot if that helps.

Any help would be really appreciated!


(10 replies, posted in Other Hardware)

I came across this guy who was trying to make launchpad -> MIDI device, not sure where he is with it now... thats a bit of the way there i guess tongue

https://plus.google.com/u/0/10500960888 … 6388132613


(2 replies, posted in Releases)

awesome! love your style, keep it up smile

Hello ChipMusic,

I'm fairly new here, posted a little bit but mostly been a reader. Heres a track ive been working on for a while and, admittedly, got a bit carried away with (~9 minutes). For the setup im using 3xLSDJ (1xhalf clocked), 2 arduinoboys and a kaosspad (no post-processing).

Any feedback would be awesome smile

nice jam smile chipmusic needs more gilmore girls


(5 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

What are you sending to the Gameboy? MIDI clock, notes or CC? and is it for LSDJ or mGB?

Not too familiar with FL studio but if you want to configure MIDI SYNC output in ableton you just need to enable MIDI out clock sync in the preferences options.

May also want to try the testing with LSDJ in master mode. If you connect the arduinoboy up and set to MASTER mode on the arduinoboy and in LSDJ, you should get the LED's blinking regardless of whats connected to the MIDI din connectors. At least then you can see if the connection between the GB and arduinoboy is working.

Hope some of my ramblings help smile

count me in smile


(5 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

You can parallel up multiple gameboys on the one arduinoboy. I've got a kaosspad which sends a bpm to 3xLSDJ. Works pretty well for me. Heres a link:

http://dotmicromusic.blogspot.com.au/20 … y-and.html


(14 replies, posted in General Discussion)

ShintarouMusic wrote:

Can I download this anywhere man? Sweet stuff, I'm 25 minutes in. Would have been a fun set to see live.

Thanks, I really enjoyed performing it smile Since majority of the tracks are from other artists, Im not gonna make it available for download.


(14 replies, posted in General Discussion)

I've been working on a bit in this area. Heres a lsdj set I played a couple weeks ago, let me know what you think of the first 20ish mins smile

http://www.mixcloud.com/dotmicro/live-r … -set-2014/

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