kometbomb wrote:bod: Does the audio skip on your CHIP? You can see the console for alsa error messages (pcm buffer underrun etc.)
Exactly. Buffer underrun occurs.
ALSA lib pcm.c:7843:(snd_pcm_recover) underrun occurred
And my two cents:
* Would be great to be able to play notes from the macro field, so you can tweak and then play
Just type some stuff in and let it play. Then it's just a keypress away from listening and you already know what the sound of the line instead of just a single note will be.
* shortcuts for jumping directly to specific panels - eg jump to macro panel then back to not panel - would be useful
I'm with you there. It would be nice to have. Not a must for me personal though.
* it's really painful to edit using a mac keyboard unfortunately due to things like backspace but no delete key... Wondering what the best way to solve this would be.. a separate set of shortcuts you can switch to?
I just had a quick look and only proceeding my second coffe, but from what I see, all the bindings are in MainEditor.cpp. So just editing and recompiling should solve it. But don't take this as a full advice, as I'm _not_ a coder.
* Some indication of the waveform would be super useful
Like a graphical represantation of the stuff you're writing? Dunno if this is really a good idea as this helps you understand how the process actually works. If you've made your first 10-20 instruments in goattracker or something you'll get to know what the numbers mean and understand them. So it's more of a benefit, than just blindly rely on some graphics, imho.
It feels like a lot like SidWizard at the moment. And I love SidWizard. So no complaints from my side.