It's true, there are a lot of negative responses. It doesn't mind for my indie game team reputation but i don't want to create something negative here or in another place.

So i decided to close the challenge. I'm waiting for a submission of one of the members of my team to say who is the winner.

Until now the best one of the jingles is one of an old member of my team ( so maybe post about here it wasn't necessary ).

Anyway, thanks for the two submissions placed here.

And about the comments, well, i suppose that if i has offered 100$ the half of you didn't posted something bad for this request.

Challenges are good for the creator you know, you can find the best one for what you are looking for. It's not good for the participants, true, but as i said before everyone is free to decide to participate or not.

Maybe the previous comments needed to be that way, something like... i'll participate or i don't wanna work for such small price or i'm not interested in challenges.

I think that the most of you have take this thread as something personal, something against your interest as chip music producers.

I'm also a chip music producer and from my point of view maybe i will participated in a challenge like that. But for sure i'll not posted something negative or positive about it, just think about to participate or not.

Everyone is free to decide so i understand all the previous posts.

I'm a musician too, i can understand what do you say.

Plus my level is not enough to create a good jingle so i created this challenge.

It's true that you can feel like i throw 20 $ at the ground to let people "fight" about it but it's not like that. I only wanted to create a simple challenge to find the best possible jingle.

I'm really surprised about all the replies about it. I normally search for collaborators so i only offer a % of the sales.

This is the first time i offered money for something and i recieved a lot of replies and entries. Not like when i ask the people to join my team.

I'm really surprised about the "power" of 20 $ ( it's a bad joke ).

So please, don't be ofended by this challenge, the first that is more surprised about it is me.

Well, first of all i'm surprised by reading so much replies.

20 $ can't be enough ? Well, i'm sure that a lot of people are ok with 20 $ per 4 notes.

About to make a lot of people working in the same to select only one is just a matter of the final work, the most challengers the best will be the selected jingle.

Anyway if you are not ok with my request you are free to not participate.

About the game that we are developing some of them are at the end of the game development so we'll have finished games soon. Others at just at the first steps of creation.

Thanks for your submissions !

pd : I'm sorry that the most of you are disapointed with this request.

Number of songs required : 1
Rough length of songs : 4 notes max
Deadline : There is no deadline
Style or Genre required : ChipMusic
Compensation : 20 $
Contact information : [email protected]
Game / company website :

I want to create a jingle for my indie game team ( for the logo screen ) so i created a challenge to select the best one.

You can take a look at the details here : … -challenge

Be free to participate.


Number of songs required : Depending of the game
Rough length of songs : Depending of the game
Deadline : There is no deadline
Style or Genre required : ChipMusic ( for some games is obligatory to use Game Boy Music )
Compensation : a 25 or 33% of the sales ( depending of the game )
Contact information : [email protected]
Game / company website :

Is now ok ?

My name is Alex and i'm the founder of an indie game development team called GameDan Team. All the members work using the same 8 colors palette.

You can take a look here :

I'm looking for new ChipMusic Producers to develop the existing projects.

We create challenges from time to time and you can also talk with the game designer of a game to offer your work.

Every developer will earn a % of the sales.

If you are interested be free to login the forums.
