My band and I were all sitting around to coming up with names. Someone said "Justin Beepboop" and we all started cracking up. It was too funny not to be our band name.


(16 replies, posted in Trading Post)

PM'd you!

Bit wish wrote:
Justin Beepboop wrote:

Just sent it!


I can open bloodcart just fine in bgb and open all the songs. futcart however shows up empty.

The bloodcart is just fine, but the file tilted "futcart" didn't have any data on it when I opened it in lsdj manager. Try re-reading it again from the cart to pc.

Interesting. I was able to open futcart in VisualBoyAdvance and it seems to work fine. And now it seems to work in BGB again.. Thanks for your help!

Okay, I think I've fixed the problem actually! The savs open up in VisualBoyAdvance!! The sav with the missing songs in LSDManager works fine, but the colors are screwy on the song that it opens on. The other sav is perfect. If I run into any more problems I'll sure to let you guys know! Thanks everybody for the help!

Bit wish wrote:
Justin Beepboop wrote:

Sure thing!

Not to be pushy, but if you send it now I can get back to you sooner than later, bout to get busy.

Just sent it!

Just opened up the sav from the other cart and the names are still there hmmm..

Sure thing!

My songs have LS , D O , L , or M. Idk if that matters or anything.

Just opened up the savs in LSDManager and the song names are either missing or contain 1 or 2 capital letters..

I'm scared to reflash my carts because Im not sure if they're backed up.. but I'm able to save songs on the Game Boy itself. So that means the battery is fine? The .sav and .gb do have the same name. Sweet I'll check out visuapboy later when I get off work! Thanks big_smile

The last few times I've tried to backup my two EMS carts, the LSDJ savs have not been working. . Whenever I open them up in BGB, there is no song data whatsoever in LSDJ..Its like the back up software isn't even reading the SRAM off the carts. Do you guys know whats going on? Are my carts totally dead now??


(1 replies, posted in Releases)

Hey we're Justin Beepboop, a chiprock funk band from Santa Cruz, and this is our first EP! We use a game boy as our drummer and synth, while we sing and play guitars over it and stuff. We hope you take the time to check it out! big_smile