
I need some DMG case screws.  I had a whole bag but seemed to have misplaced them.  If anyone has some I can buy or know of a site that sells screws that will work, let me know.  I need enough to fully assemble 2 DMGs (case and PCBs).

I also either need a back PCB or the DMG power jack to solder onto a back PCB.  I have a back PCB that came with an eBay lot that has the power jack desoldered.  So I can use that piece if someone has one to spare?

matt's mind

i have a hunch the power jack isn't a proprietary part, and you should be able to find a suitable replacement in a new part rather than stripping a console for it

(219) Indiana, USA

I have some extra screws and a back pcb if you want it. Just pm me with what your willing to pay


@kitsch:  any recommendations for a potential jack?  I know I can just bridge the contacts to bypass the need for a jack at all but I use the power adapter often on the DMGs.