What you are asking for would be fantastical and I would be into it as well. ha. But as for using the armada as a module, I have never come across anything in my travels/research that makes it capable to do so.
But the 1700 has a serial or a parallel port right? Because you can get a 1in/1out midi device like MIDISPORT or something. I have done that on my armada, used a parallel midi device, and was able to access midi in and midi out with IMPULSE TRACKER. So i know those sound cards are capable of doing that at least. It has some sort of MPU401 emulation or on board mpu or something on the card itself. With impulse, when you switch the sound card to MPU401, it lets you use the internal general midi sounds inside the tracker too...
But I dont think AT2 has that midi feature yet? I remember talking the creator about it, and he said MIDI would be out of the question and he is done with the program, unless someone else takes over AT2 and codes it all to be midi capable. And most likely, it would just be note on , note off... Unless someone wants to sit there and code all the OPL3 parameters that AT2 can access to CC numbers.. Ok go right ahead !!!