ran out of room in the title...
Matthew Joseph Payne!
Nic Cunningham!
at the Hawthorne Theater Lounge!
1507 SE 39th, Portland, OR 97214!
21+! $5!
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ChipMusic.org / Forums / Past Events / [PDX] 2013.03.28 boaconstructor, Matthew Joseph Payne, greightbit & +
For anyone on the West Coast NOT at GDC all week...
Oh and I'd love anyone interested in doing visuals at this show to get in touch with me, so you can maybe do visuals at this show.
AND I'm going to be in town in Portland from the 26th until the 31st, so even if you can't come to the show (age? schedule?) LET'S HANG OUT
Bump cause dope. Looking forward to meeting all you Portland chiptunaz
I look forward to putting a bird on something