My first 50 post were topics.
Or how about they have to get approved by the mods? I don't think that's going to stop the problem, instead people are going to post 50 non-constructive post. And if some one only gets on here to post releases its going to be a pain.
Why in the world do you guys care so much?
Silly noob threads lead to one of two things:
1) the noob's question is answered
2) massive lolz
nitro2k01 wrote:I've had similar ideas. But instead of stopping people from posting, there would be a small banner at the top of the page informing about the search function and other useful things, until you reach x posts. Thoughts?
Instead of a small banner it should a medium to large banner that is hard to miss. And/or there should be a window that pops up when the cursor is over the "Post New Thread" button that says something like "Are you sure you aren't forgetting to use the amazingly useful SEARCH feature?"
Should have a big ass banner that takes up the screen stating:
'Have you used the forum search button to find what your looking for? If not, use it before potentially spamming the forums'
Only way the person (with under 25 posts on their account) can remove this message is to click the 'X' to close the message.
Sorry if you guys disagree, but that kind of stuff leads to elitism, the kind of stuff I hope most of the cm.o members don't want.
Since the moderation here really works, I guess Bit wish's idea is much more realistic, but it could also lead to a big pain in the ass to the mod guys. Why don't we just leave it the way it is? If the topic is just plain stupid, it'll be reported, closed, forgotten or whatever anyways, or as boa said, it'll be good for the lolz every now and then.
Sorry if you guys disagree, but that kind of stuff leads to elitism, the kind of stuff I hope most of the cm.o members don't want.
Since the moderation here really works, I guess Bit wish's idea is much more realistic, but it could also lead to a big pain in the ass to the mod guys. Why don't we just leave it the way it is? If the topic is just plain stupid, it'll be reported, closed, forgotten or whatever anyways, or as boa said, it'll be good for the lolz every now and then.
To me, its the only way. But wat ever
thread approval sucks
maybe just 5 posts to make sure you're not an adbot/sockpuppet
but the kind of people who make 50 non-constructive posts just for the ability to make a thread would make 50 non-constructive posts regardless, y'know what i'm saying?
moderation here aint work and it doesnt, its play like a dog with a slobby ball, overbearing and hindering..of course the users are to blame too, ya'll aint gotta feel compelled to make a response when ultimately its just your time wasted. ive wasted 3-4 hrs on cm.o in the last two days that i'd be happy to have back
this would tilt things more in the favor of the slobby mods who are too lazy and ineffectual to do anything the userbase suggests anyway
fuck - 'where chiptuners go to defecate'
I think that is the point.
This made my day.
I'm not big on the Search function. It's a bit too broad and not very smart for what it is. I try to plug in certain quieries, and I just get thousands of results where a user has mentioned the seach term once in an unrelated topic.
And/or there should be a window that pops up when the cursor is over the "Post New Thread" button that says something like "Are you sure you aren't forgetting to use the amazingly useful SEARCH feature?"
Yeah, this is cool! I like the idea of silly and quirky text in programs and sites, instead of stiff and boring words that don't mean shit.