I often like to imply the dom7th rather than play it out from a single chordable instrument. Like leave the underlying chord major but use things like the lead/solo, hell even the bass sometimes, to finish on the appropriate note to form a dom7th. Or if I'm to include it in the chord itself, I like to bring it into the chord at the last possible moment and go from the major to the 7th like so many old rock n rollers did.
Or yknow.. just go all out and use it on every damn chord
1-4-5 progressions all in 7ths? Fuck yeah! On the guitar I like to leave out the fifth (because of the dead-easy three strings movable shape) and just play root, third and seventh. The third still gives it that distinctive major sound, and the fifth can be given to another instrument entirely or just used for fills here and there.
We need a music section on this forum. 
chunter wrote:The phrases create a harmonic structure as they are brought in and out...
Ah! You mean how two single-note lines come together to imply the chords? I'm a big fan of that. In my opinion that's a big part of what separates a song from a doodle: if you can reduce the essence of it to be played on a single acoustic guitar then you probably have something.
I was a fan of Daft Punk since before the release of Homework, my cousin had the vinyl for Rock n Roll / Rollin n Scratchin. If I'm not mistaken, one of them was classically trained on the piano, and the other still uses his guitar to compose the tracks. A bit like the semi-copycat Justice that compose most of their song on piano and bass before switching every notes for samples.
If I could go back in time though, I'd travel to these guys and tell them "oi.. guys, ease up on the sidechaining, cause in five years every god damn dance act is gonna hop on that particular bandwagon and ruin dynamics forever"