Youngstown, OH
Saskrotch wrote:
sleepytimejesse wrote:

You can make famitracker sound very human, you just have to become really acquainted with the humanizing commands like Gxx and Sxx to escape the grid. Which comes back to the note-by-note composition, not the fluid improv you want though. At least not in fami.

You could probably use a keyboard and FamiTracker's MIDI in function to record improvy stuff, and then go back and use the G and S commands to undo the auto-quantize it'll put in

True. But I feel by the time you record a good take and then go back to re-/un-quantize things you don't really save any time. This is just me though, everyone works differently.

Chicago IL

Yeah, I mean everything I do is very methodical and deliberate, so by the time I decide what the next note is it's because I've basically tested to see what every note sounds like after the one before it. It also takes me FOREVER to finish anything.

So none of this really has anything to do with me, just throwing out some ideas for the OP.

Plantation, Florida

I'm not sure if this is what you're looking for, but famitracker has two *row highlight* selectors, so you can willingly change how many notes make up a beat in a measure and how many make up a measure in the pattern.