Abandoned on Fire

Added a free+shipping non-working Commodore Plus 4.  I'll have a working C64 power supply and drive cables for sale in a few days.

Abandoned on Fire



what's the deal with the 'trashed out C64'?

Last edited by tacticalbread (Jun 18, 2010 7:31 pm)

Abandoned on Fire
tacticalbread wrote:

what's the deal with the 'trashed out C64'?

Missing a couple of keys, case cracked and won't screw together, and doesn't work.  smile  It powers on but that's about it.

rochester, ny

what are those outputs i see at the bottom of that guitar?

Abandoned on Fire
nickmaynard wrote:

what are those outputs i see at the bottom of that guitar?

It originally came with a cable that went to your tv for some kind of training video game dealy.  There's also a cartridge slot.  It has a "Hot Wheels" cart in it now.  I don't know what the connector next to the volume knob is... maybe tuning?

Abandoned on Fire

Added "Novation Xio 25" to first post.  Awesome synth+midi controller+usb audio interface.