
I have a problem. After killing 2 sd cards trying to share it between caanoo, windows, and rasp pi, i decided I need a more robust solution, so I tried loading the projects and samplelib to an tiny usb stick, and point the sample libs and root folder to


in config.xml and it works!!! Basically I plan to have a folder structure like:


And each os folder will contain the binary, mapping, config.xml, and any especial render binaries for that platform. This way I have one thing to backup, one place to keep projects, and one place to update pig binary versions.


Another problem I want to avoid is that it seems the raspberry pi filesystem is very fragile, so having all my binaries and projects on a separate fat32 filesystem will allow me to not kill my os install every two months

London, UK

That is a bloody good idea. *ponders*


Wow, cool idea. I'll have to try this out.

Toronto, Ontario, Canada

Yeah, partitioning your card or using an additional storage mediums is a really, really great idea when it comes to the raspi.

I set it up that way in my [extremely delayed due to work] ultimate Chiptune raspi ROM image and I've had no issues with stability or corruption.

London, UK

Are there any big pros/cons to using a USB stuck on the Caanoo over SD?

The idea of having a single stick that I can use to Pig on my Mac + on my portable is very attractive... I feel like half my time is spent syncing sample libraries.

matt.nida wrote:

Are there any big pros/cons to using a USB stuck on the Caanoo over SD?

The biggest con is that I cant autorun the binary off it, because it mounts the usb AFTER reaching the caanoo menu. It takes about another 5 seconds or so after boot to mount the usb stick. If you do it too quick youll get a blank piggy load screen.

I need to hook up the caanoo and ssh into its nand and see if I can change the mount order to have it mount BEFORE it runs autorun.gpu.

Speed and performance seem comparable, but i think I found a bug where you cannot create a project below the project root... it messes up the folder name.

jefftheworld wrote:

Yeah, partitioning your card or using an additional storage mediums is a really, really great idea when it comes to the raspi.

I set it up that way in my [extremely delayed due to work] ultimate Chiptune raspi ROM image and I've had no issues with stability or corruption.

That hasnt been my experience at all. I resized the fat partition on the piggy sd, and ran into problems with the fs becoming unbootable often. I believe there is a bug when you use usb devices (im using three) and data corruption occurring when writing to the file system.. so moving the whole pig universe to a seperate flash drive is my attempt to keep the whole file systems apart.

So my pi sd is now completely stock except it:
Autologins to root
runs a boot script that mounts the usb drive
it runs the boot script runs lgpt
??? (wanting to run a commandline soundfont synth so I can replace realtime keyboard controlled sample control. Also want to have a usb midi controller merge using acconnect and share the usb midi out from piggy so I can simplfy my setup)
upon a clean exit issues a halt shutdown now command to cleanly unmount all the files.

Last edited by herr_prof (Jun 14, 2013 3:43 pm)


btw you could totally just do all this on a sd card and a card reader for the pi but I wanted to avoid that because:

-sd cards fall apart quickly when you are pulling them out and putting them in something multiple times a week
- a usb stick doesnt require any reader or cables to hook up to device
-look how small it is!

Also im loading a backup of the pi image on the usb stick as well as a copy of audacity and reaper to handle renders.

Geneva, NY

another SD pro would be you could also load dingux on it and run it on dingoo and (very likely) GCW Zero.


GCWzero has a usb port too. In all ways sds are better except for the part where they are built like crap.

Geneva, NY

Well, micro sd usually don't break, just the adapters. but if you wanted to get real crazy, you could probably just stick everything on the SD then stick that in the dingoo and hook up the dingoo to the other devices and it'll show up as a usb drive....


Yea but im trying to avoid adapters and cables in my life. Also microsds are more expensive, and there seems to be a high failure rate on rasp pi sd slots, so Im just cutting all those guys out of my equations.

Geneva, NY

Well, I wasn't talking to you per se, since I know you has no dingoo. big_smile



Oh for sure, just wanted to explain my methods cause it could seem overthought at first glance. I think another thing to consider is disk i/o, i think my usb stick is a lilll faster than even my fastest sd card.. helps when rendering on desktop platforms.

Geneva, NY

Oh yeah that reminds me, I can't remember if it was an SD or a usb drive but I remember it running too slow to be usable in win32...


So far i only tested it on OSX, and everything seems well on song creation and playback, but havent had a chance to test rendering.