J's D-Chirp is an extremely simple piece of TRS-80 software originally written for the MC-10. It should work on any TRS-80 model that runs basic and supports the SOUND command.
It is based on a program from an old TRS-80 programming book but with all the bugs and typos fixed and a few additional features. The audio file below is NOT an example of the audio, it contains the program itself, to be played back via the cassette port and loaded with the CLOAD command. The video below walks you through the steps in case you're a complete beginner.
To be honest, there's not a lot that can be done with this sound chip using only basic but running this through an effect unit or pedals can give some nice sounds.
Instruction/Demo video:
This is version 0.1, the following features are currently functioning:
-Play notes with keys "1" through "-" (12 notes in the C major scale, starting at C)
-Change the note length with F, H, Q, E (Whole note, half note, Quarter Note, Eighth Note)
-Ugly visual representation of notes being played
Version 0.2 is already in development and the following features are to be included:
-tracker style organ keyboard (row starting at z, white keys low octave; row starting at a black keys low octave; row starting at q white keys high octave; row starting at 1, black keys high octave)
-Nicer visual representation of note being played
-Simple arpeggios or 5th mode toggled with spacebar
If you actually use this program and think of some feature that you'd enjoy, please just ask. There's not much that can be done in terms of sound generation but UI, controls and general usability is easy to do.
Download J's D-Chirp.