What types of single cycle waveforms are best for use in LGPT's oscillator mode?
1.) Should the SCWF be exactly A440Hz for the tuning to be calculated correctly?
2.) In the LGPT10k sample pack most of the SCWFs are $100 or $FF samples in length..is there an advantage in using this length for oscillator mode? (perhaps with PLOF, LPOF or RTRG?)
3.) What exactly is the difference in the way a SCWF is looped in loop mode and oscillator mode?
4.) What is the advantage of using oscillator mode rather than normal loop mode? Should I just use normal loop mode?
LGPT mailing list:
"[LGPT] makes certain assumptions about the root note of the cycle...assuming that your
oscillator waveform is tuned to A440 or whatever the base assumption is
about that mode (it's been a while since I made a Piggy track with oscil
so I can't remember)"
(sorry for posting all these questions at once)
Last edited by Mister Sombrero (Jul 3, 2013 5:00 pm)