Delek wrote:Jazzmarazz wrote:I don't know how Deflemask for example exports VGM files, but I did read something about an export option...if you can run it in an emulator, you know it can run on the GG itself.
DefleMask creates automatically roms for SEGA Master System. I don't know if Game Gear is compatible 100% with SMS, but always you can use the .vgm export feature and process it to create a ROM for GG.
The incompatibilities lie within accessories. No dance mat support, no 3D glasses support, etc.
yogi wrote:Delek wrote:.... I don't know if Game Gear is compatible 100% with SMS, but always you can use the .vgm export feature and process it to create a ROM for GG.
The only real diff between the two systems is the display resolution. The SMS/GG pin on the GG cart port flags the VPU to switch resolution to accommodate the SMS code's displays on the LCD. Now this difference may or may not be an issue if someone is writing a native tracker.
As far as PSG, Mem access and mapping the two are the same.
As far as I have read, yes. Someone should send me some exported SMS ROMs to try out granted it may not be immediately.
Oops, look like I forgot to add two holes to the board. There are actually three mounting holes rather than just the one. silly me. 
Last edited by Jazzmarazz (Sep 18, 2013 4:28 pm)