New York

I recently bought an old copy of Pokémon Yellow and was hoping to use the yellow case for my flashcart.

However, the cartridge was covered in permanent marker. As in, when I purchased it, it looked entirely black. I have no idea how long it had been like this, but I decided to try to clean it off. After washing it with alcohol and scraping it with a magic eraser, this is as clean as I've been able to make it:

Is there any hope for cleaning it further, to the point where it almost looks new?

Last edited by Kyhan (Jan 10, 2014 5:33 am)

Taichung, Taiwan

A bottle of simple green and some good rubbing.

Good rubbing.

Matthew Joseph Payne

Give it a soak is a relatively strong concentration of simple green.

then those good rubbin's.

edit: a long soak, then a good rubbing

double edit: rubbing

Last edited by kineticturtle (Jan 10, 2014 6:12 am)

New York

Any other cleaners you'd recommend?

Edit: for the good rubbing.

Last edited by Kyhan (Jan 10, 2014 6:23 am)

Taichung, Taiwan

I was in the Marine Corps and when we would have to return items we were issued back to CIF, it had to be clean and without markings.

Simple Green is fucking magic!

I had sharpie'd my name on the inside of my kevlar helmet and had to get it off before returning it. Scotch-Brite pad and Simple Green got it all out.

*edit: Rub it out, rub all that sharpie out.

Last edited by katsumbhong (Jan 10, 2014 6:31 am)


For the love of god rub it

Edit: for the sake of the rub

Last edited by 12ianma (Jan 10, 2014 10:50 am)

Matthew Joseph Payne

Really anything mild and plastic-safe. Simple Green is my fav too.

I remember the first time we heard of the stuff - the company was just getting started, and seriously, a door-to-door salesman came up with a spray bottle and gave us a demo. He kept spraying it in his mouth to show us how safe it was... my parents were like "STOP IT WE'LL BUY IT ALREADY" and we've used it in this family ever since.

NC in the US of America
kineticturtle wrote:

Really anything mild and plastic-safe. Simple Green is my fav too.

I remember the first time we heard of the stuff - the company was just getting started, and seriously, a door-to-door salesman came up with a spray bottle and gave us a demo. He kept spraying it in his mouth to show us how safe it was... my parents were like "STOP IT WE'LL BUY IT ALREADY" and we've used it in this family ever since.

Hahaha big_smile Nice. I'll have to try some of that stuff.

Edit: with a good rubbing.

Last edited by SketchMan3 (Jan 10, 2014 6:43 pm)

kineticturtle wrote:

He kept spraying it in his mouth to show us how safe it was... my parents were like "STOP IT WE'LL BUY IT ALREADY" and we've used it in this family ever since.

I wonder how many sales he got doing this.

I don't think I have ever used it to get rid of marker on plastic, but I think I might give it a shot.  Serious question about all the rubbing: will simple green break down the ink easily or do I need to just keep scrubbing?  I don't want to mess up the texture on the items I am considering using it on.

Matthew Joseph Payne

That's why I suggest starting with a nice long soak.

edit: that most of the work is done for you. Like leave it overnight.

re-edit: rubbing

Last edited by kineticturtle (Jan 10, 2014 6:01 pm)